Example sentences of "they [vb past] it [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 No , the council 's took it over , they sold it to this bloke .
2 It was what , I used today , they used it in all hospitals .
3 I suppose they arranged it like that . ’
4 The Mitchells were granted permission to burn charcoal from coppiced timber at Hangman 's Wood if they returned it to this state of management .
5 Chicago , Chicago — so good , they named it after some onions .
6 And erm that 's when you er when you had your a a a new new rig out as they called it in those days , they called it a rig out , new rig out in those days .
7 To be on the safe side , they sent it to several countries .
8 They did it with such tenderness that I gained new strength from their friendship , suddenly seeing the value in continuing , if only to deepen that shared bond .
9 Cos erm they gave it to this woman and the woman gave it to me .
10 Yes , I mean they had it on all the channels virtually yesterday
11 Well they ran it like that cos they said at the bar we can sell you a bottle of wine for seven pound fifty though , so he said you bugger off he said that , went down the supermarket and get our own like
12 yes tiny little place , and it was , it was n't totally satisfactory initially in that they erm , they left it with some sort of erm cock up , I could n't wind it up , there was something wrong with the crown click , or something of the sort , when I got it back , so I had to take it back again , but otherwise they seemed to be people who are well aware of watches in the best sense and eh , he said this is a an excellent movement and eh far better than the ones I normally see .
13 So right away you had Hawaiian choirs singing church music , but they tinged it with this Hawaiian melodic sense , which is like a different way of resolving a melody .
14 but that , as I say for England and France erm they closed it for some reason
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