Example sentences of "they [vb past] the great [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Behind them hulked the great mass of Shunner Fell below the flanks of which the Butter Tubs Pass wormed its way over into Wensleydale .
2 But , debarred from owning land as they were , they became the great craftsmen of these regions , as carpenters , builders , and weavers .
3 Athelstan gauged it to be about two o'clock in the afternoon and this was confirmed by a servant who bumped into them as they passed the great hall .
4 They used the great rivers of northern and western France to penetrate far into the heart of Charles 's kingdom .
5 There was the cold ring of iron , as they levered the great doors shut and the rhythmic clanking of machinery as the steam from the furnaces was forced along the great pipes .
6 Athelstan was always surprised at-the effect he caused ; here he was in a place where man died for the price of a few coins , but at the sight of the lighted wax candle , the sound of the small tinkling bell and him swathed in a cope , the coarsest men and women stood aside as if they acknowledged the great mysteries he carried. ,
7 The Remingtons emigrated to America in the 18th century , where they founded the great engineering company which bears their name .
8 All the rest were guest players , and they included the great Peter Doherty , who was then with Huddersfield Town .
9 They formed the great bulk of the riotous crowd in 1749 who , after three sailors had been robbed in a brothel , rioted and burned down bawdy houses in the Strand in a three-day riot , although the only unfortunate Tyburn example made on this occasion was the improbably named Bosavern Penlez , a wig maker .
10 Before they reached the great stone shaped like the skull of a horse which marked the path they were to take to the right , the fires were all out and the smoke from them had dispersed into the general heat-haze .
11 They reached the great river at Old Melrose , at the foot of Lauderdale , and followed it down to Kelso , where they had made contact with Sir Simon Fraser , who was not exactly besieging Balliol in Roxburgh Castle but containing him there , with the Warden 's force , to prevent him joining Edward Plantagenet at Berwick .
12 It was late when they reached the great house , but the moon was full , and the night air was warm and still .
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