Example sentences of "they [vb past] the same [adj] " in BNC.

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1 There is a tacit acceptance that , because men are generally more successful in material terms than women , women could become more successful if they made the same educational choices as men .
2 Tolonen had been of the same generation as the T'ang and they shared the same unspoken values .
3 Kirsten proved a fine role model for the impressionable Rhodes throughout the tour , and while on the surface the pair could n't be more contrasting in appearance or temperament , there is no doubting that they shared the same total commitment to their game and country .
4 They shared the same social defect — seasonal unemployment — and the same natural hazards — extreme variability in yield between bad and normal years .
5 They found the same general correlation between socio-economic variables and level of expenditure as in primary education .
6 The Fisher Row community had few surnames and they used the same Christian names over and over again .
7 They showed the same gorgeous thin creatures as usual .
8 But it was difficult to believe this because there was always enough to eat , and they wore the same nice clothes .
9 On the far side they followed the river about a mile downstream until they reached the same narrow point where the temporary bridge is constructed every year .
10 The Mitry peasants ( like the proverbial cat ) could look at a king , and they spoke the same legal language of customary rights and fairness as Charles and his faithful men used in their capitularies .
11 Surprisingly , although they were all different models from different eras , they had the same familiar feel about them .
12 I just said they had the same molecular formula
13 They had the same right wing , racist hard-nut minds .
14 Clients in Ipswich were a little older than in Newham , but they had the same mean OBS score ( see Table 2.3 ) .
15 Dot avoided the danger of the swivelling eyes in case they had the same compelling powers .
16 They had the same crazy eyes as Buff .
17 Stan Carver was a thick-set , medium-sized man , and strangely , Joe thought , he resembled his wife , at least in features : they had the same sharp-edged face .
18 Yet they had the same energetic manner of speaking : their metallic voices swooped and dived , their eyes rolled , their shoulders bounced , their hands flew in the air like birds performing a courtship dance .
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