Example sentences of "they [vb past] to [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Although this rank was that of a clerk , in the Constantian period it was applied to those officials who were responsible for the minutes of the imperial consistory and some of them rose to the highest ranks .
2 Like the bats , the pterosaurs had membranous wings stretched between highly modified arms and ‘ hands ’ and the fore part of the legs ; unlike the bats some of them grew to an enormous size and the front support for the wing was provided by only one finger of the hand , grotesquely extended .
3 The most serious charges against them related to the fraudulent transfer of public funds estimated at more than 2,300 million francs CFA .
4 Four of them went to the new Department of National Heritage .
5 Several of them went to an acting class run by Jeff Corey , where other aspirants included James Coburn .
6 Both of them listened to the raised voices .
7 Six-year-old Michael Smith and his parents were spotted by a passing yacht as they clung to a tiny buoyancy bag in darkness .
8 If the buses came as far as Clifton Road it would be alright but any further away and people would have practically walked into town by the time they got to the nearest bus stop . ’
9 I did hear they got to the 1/4 finals ( ie won 2 matches ) about 4 years ago , but Im sure they would have said last night if they had beaten anyone decent .
10 What happened to them when they got to the other end I have never dared to ask , but perhaps these few illustrations ( pages 82–83 ) will convince you that Doc Winfield actually sat in this contraption and was hooked from a completely static position by an aircraft into the air and probably ( and I never found out ) delivered to some hospital none the worse for the experiment .
11 " I saw Slater heading out the door with some rug-chested young Romeo , " Mr Hunter said as they got to the second-floor landing in the big house .
12 The farmers going to market had come down from Barking and Ringshall and those places , and on the rough owd country roads they managed ; but as soon as they got to the tarred road in Needham street they had to stop .
13 The orphans were hungry as well as tired , and the first thing they did when they got to the disused school in Malvern where they 'll be based was to tuck into a slap-up meal .
14 At the end of the long road Reynolds ' was the first house they had to pass and they started to cringe into themselves behind Moran even before they got to the little hedge of privet above the whitewashed stones .
15 These were small events but when repeated up and down the country , they amounted to a vast change in Nonconformist attitudes towards worship .
16 They amounted to the grand sum of twelve pounds and ten shillings — a fortune !
17 At the beginning of his reign in the parliament of 1307 they assented to a fifteenth , but seven more years passed before the clergy again conceded any more : York province offered a small sum to ward off the Scots in 1314 , and Canterbury reluctantly , and upon certain conditions , granted a tenth in January 1315 .
18 How kind of you , ’ said Felicity and they agreed to a tentative appointment for the following morning .
19 Pews were not personal possessions that could be sold or bequeathed but were part of the property of each farm , tenement or cottage , they passed to the new owner or occupier once the property was sold or transferred .
20 Originally , they were the property of the crown , but in time they passed to the local aristocrats .
21 Things happened in this period that profoundly influenced sociological thinking in particular , and especially in so far as it related to crime and criminals ; they led to a comprehensive rejection of the most cherished principles of positivist criminology .
22 She 'd get an even bigger kick if they led to an intimate tête à tête with the Dane .
23 True , they led to the old Naval Dockyard but that did not generate many heavy goods vehicles and probably none at night .
24 They sold to the second buyers for the purpose of compounding into food for pigs and poultry .
25 They sold to the highest bidder , an antiquarian book-seller from Fife .
26 The statue of Moloch in Carthage had large outstretched hands for children to be placed on before they tumbled to a blazing fire below , where they would be ‘ purified ’ and blessed by that god .
27 I made a great nuisance of myself and , in the end , they resorted to the traditional method of dealing with trouble-makers : they asked me to stand for my own ward at the next local government elections .
28 They applied to the local authority for accommodation as homeless persons , but were rejected on the ground that they had accommodation .
29 The English embassy in France has a mansion in the Rue des Medeans , but in early spring they moved to a small castle outside Paris , the Chateau de Maubisson .
30 First , they moved to a hub-and-spoke system .
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