Example sentences of "they [vb past] go [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 No , cos one of them kept going up to London for the we week and then went back home at the weekends and he had this lovely house !
2 I say wonders will never cease I have just written a receipt for Mrs and I have put it in her envelope and I have written my name in , in on , I 've put from and put my name and crossed out caretaker and put treasurer and I have put underneath we do not have a caretaker so we will see what happens How did , how is it that they got to go back with them ?
3 They planned to go back on and complete their set with vocals from Cressa of The Stone Roses , who had been on the whole tour and knew most of the songs .
4 They planned to go back on and complete their set with vocals from Cressa of The Stone Roses , who had been on the whole tour and knew most of the songs .
5 they tried to go out for a meal , I do n't know whether it was christmas day or boxing day down in and they could n't get n in nowhere , I said well you would n't on a boxing day !
6 Broken in pieces and razor-sharp , they seemed to go on for ever .
7 That 's why it is expensive compared to eh , other cars , but , they , they seemed to go on for ever those cars , I mean they 're quite incredible are n't they ?
8 When they 'd gone through into the lecture hall , I noticed the professor staring after them with a very odd look on his face — a stunned , frozen look .
9 You know and if you 'd seen the size of the temple there were thinking well , come on , and the trouble that they 'd gone through over their history to establish er a capital city with a temple as the main feature , they were not happy about him saying that .
10 As the boat had come round the point they 'd gone up on deck .
11 I assaulted this position from every angle , ranging from thoughtful analyses of the male mid-life crisis , its nature and origins , to sweeping ad absurdum dismissals in which I demonstrated that by the same token Trish and Brian were equally culpable , because if they 'd gone out for the day I would have stayed at home and we would never have met in the first place .
12 She wondered if the others were playing a joke on her : perhaps they 'd gone out for a walk ; perhaps , at this very moment , they were laughing at the thought of her waiting for a killer who would never come .
13 Then they 'd gone in for a look .
14 Without exception they were splattered in paint as if they 'd gone in for action art .
15 The floorboards had n't snapped , as I 'd originally thought : they 'd gone down into the dock with Harry .
16 They arranged to go out for a drink on the second evening , although Kathleen was n't really looking forward to it as it was bound to turn into a ‘ What was the name of that blonde with the big chest ? ’ sort of session and she would end up driving them both home and quite likely putting them both to bed !
17 The Arabs here thought they needed to go back to Bahrain and Abu Dhabi . ’
18 My men called her something else when they started going down with the ‘ clap ’ , but she was long gone by the time they found out . ’
19 When the answer was a resounding ‘ Non ’ they decided to go back to the classroom .
20 The early sociologists were greatly influenced by the changes in patterns of life which they saw going on around them as industrialisation proceeded , and they were often deeply disturbed by what they saw .
21 were they not rebelling against this sort of commercialization that they saw going on in erm and think that well if we can , you know , if we can somehow stop this commercialization perhaps then er , then
22 Started as they meant to go on for the holiday .
23 They must have each eaten about a pound of strawberries , for they kept going back to the fruit cage for more .
24 But they insisted to go out of the front . ’
25 Whether by accident or design , they managed to go around without seeing any of the others and Maggie allowed herself to be selfish .
26 The stockings they knitted went on to the feet of the British Army , and so great was the demand and so determinedly was it met that the Romantic writer Southey called them the " Terrible Knitters of Dent " , terrible meaning not bad but fierce , terribly good .
27 She recounted how they had gone up to Master Allingham 's chamber and , finding the door locked , had ordered the workmen from the yard below to force the chamber .
28 But they had gone up to forty eight through acquisitions .
29 Apart from being baked hard by the heat of the lava , these sediments were quite undisturbed , and had been carried bodily as smoothly as if they had gone up in a lift .
30 They had gone on for a long distance , before arriving at a door in a long , anonymous wall ; the letter bearer , a gloomily serious young man with eyebrows which met across his brow , maintaining a severe silence throughout the journey .
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