Example sentences of "they [vb past] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Well only just to really , actually all Mr Mr has er said , and just one other bit of information , the time when the Chairman of the council extended the invitation to sixth formers , looking for alternative entertainment for the sixth formers of school , after they sat through a full council , I took them over to the er archivists er department , and we saw the paper restor , sorry , should n't say paper restorer , manuscript restorer at work , and these sixth formers , already knew of the existence , one of them asked to see the records of parish , because he knew they were there , and I mean , I think this is wonderful , that the sixth formers already , er children are being taught about the ar the records , and they will want to be sure that we kept them , and I think it 's our moral duty to keep er , the records of the past for future generations .
2 But although they both tried to smile still , neither of them failed to notice the past tense she had used for the word ‘ love ’ .
3 In the summer of 1557 , some of them tried to break the stalemate .
4 One of them tried to jump the ditch and landed on Canny , breaking his neck ( Lincoln Journal , Nebraska 28 December 1987 ) .
5 None of them seemed to include the tube in their itineraries , but there was some useful advice on how to secure the best berths on a Nile river cruiser and an interesting complaint about the lack of leg room on Concorde which assured him that the R and the F of this world had to contend with life 's little niggles just like everybody else .
6 Shield-hung hurdles were brought out into the field , and bowmen and slingshot-throwers behind them began to shred the trees with a descending curtain of missiles .
7 The next hour passed amiably , by which time the two of them began to feel the effects of the day .
8 She claimed that one of them went to headbutt the man .
9 It generated a large volume of mail and telephone calls and frightened enough members into believing that the electoral consequences would be dire if they failed to support the president .
10 Although the Communists had greatly modified their policy they failed to persuade the leadership of the Labour Party to make any concessions on the United Front or affiliation proposals .
11 They failed to persuade the electorate .
12 Their daughters found Charlie Fox , 63 , and wife Tess , 53 , shot at their home in Co Tyrone after they failed to answer the phone .
13 Of course they were and they failed , and they failed to penetrate the defence
14 This criticism was in part a reflection of the call made by the Report of the Committee on Physical Deterioration for greater physical and mental education for adolescents , but it also pointed to the three main criticisms of clubs which were reiterated years later by Freeman : that they could only really provide amusement ; that their positive educational value was small ; and that they failed to reach the mass of boys .
15 If they failed to reach the fuses in time , they 'd be killed with the rest on the wall , and only a little earlier than the men of both sides who would open fire , without doubt , claiming treachery .
16 In establishing four oral rehydration packet production sites in Bangladesh , they failed to reach the majority of the Bangladeshi people owing to the inefficiencies of the production sites , the inherent inadequacies of the Bangladeshi transport network and the rural nature of the vast majority of the population .
17 They resorted to terror and adventurism , for which there was no justification now that a powerful Social Democratic movement had taken shape , and they failed to acknowledge the leadership that must be exercised by the proletariat over the peasantry and the democratic movement as a whole .
18 They failed to appreciate the fact that the G'bai turned it into an island .
19 But they failed to stop the accident because staff were poorly trained .
20 None of this lot aches because they failed to change the world .
21 The Palestinians were thus caught in a moral circle , although they rarely cared to debate the morality of what they were doing to the Lebanese : if they failed to fight the Israelis , then they sacrificed their right of return to Palestine ; yet if they did attack the Israelis , they created a new class of refugees among the Lebanese , mostly from the poor Shia community in southern Lebanon .
22 At least two notable cantata composers , the Roman Giovanni Felice Sances ( c. 1600–1679 ) and Pietro ( Antonio ) Cesti ( 1623–69 ) , far more famous for his operas , ended their careers in the Imperial Chapel at Vienna , but they failed to transplant the chamber cantata there .
23 In this case Brightman J decided that trustees who held most of the shares in a company were negligent when they failed to prevent the directors of the company from entering into a highly speculative property development project , which turned out to be unsuccessful .
24 However , they failed to complete the preparation of this before they lost office in 1970 .
25 But in the Dr McKenna Cup against both Monaghan and Tyrone they failed to keep the momentum going .
26 There was a problem with gilt funds about three years ago , and T S B ran up against the problem of falling gilt yields and trying to maintain the , the flow to the investor , which they did , but th they failed to tell the investor that they were having to erm sell gilts and er trade under market value , so in fact you reduce the fund , but there are halfway stages , and I mean at the moment I can get round about eight percent , plus on , on erm er offshore funds .
27 But they failed to reduce the size sufficiently and ended up with a prototype that could n't record anything — so the engineers used it to play their favourite music cassettes while they worked .
28 The action was brought against the police on the grounds that they failed to inform the prison authorities of the deceased 's suicidal tendencies .
29 The attacks caused localized damage and injuries , and up to three elderly Israeli women suffocated when they failed to remove the filter caps from their gas masks .
30 Before his death , the Dragoons visited the farm ; they searched all of the outbuildings and then the house but , as if by a miracle , they failed to enter the room in which ‘ The Prophet ’ lay dying .
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