Example sentences of "they [adv] always [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 They are nearly always the same people and they nearly always sit in the same places .
2 Moreover they nearly always end in tragedy because the protagonists reach out in some way fur the unattainable .
3 If two tailless Manx cats are mated , the kittens are so deformed that they nearly always die before birth .
4 It is not always easy to use their own in-house people if the chairman or chief executive wants to find a very senior director : then they nearly always go to outside professional advisers for confidentiality , for objectivity and often because the senior headhunters in the major firms are the best , of the highest quality and are paid accordingly .
5 They nearly always hunt in couples , so one expects to find either no horns at all or two horns .
6 Sometimes they went to the cinema , sometimes they sat in coffee bars holding hands across the table , sometimes they walked in the park , and on Saturdays they almost always went to the dance .
7 Cable breaks are a nuisance because they almost always result in having to retrieve the glider from mid-field .
8 These long-term contracts differ from shorter or one-off agreements ( for endorsements or live performances ) because they almost always call for musicians ' exclusive services .
9 1.71 Personal injury cases are unique in that they almost always involve at least one expert : the doctor .
10 Professionals have training and experience which are valuable in planning services ; ignoring them almost always leads to an inferior service .
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