Example sentences of "they [adv] [verb] [art] [adj -er] " in BNC.

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1 One of them always got the better shots .
2 People in late twentieth-century Britain do not necessarily do less for their relatives than they have done for the past two centuries , nor do they necessarily have a weaker sense of obligation , but they do have to work out the nature of their relationships and the patterns of support associated with them , in circumstances which are very different from the past .
3 Studies of this kind were influenced first by studies and methods of denudation chronology , of which they naturally formed the later stages , and secondly by developments in the study of the Pleistocene where the work of Zeuner ( 1945 , 1958 ) and the work of geologists ( e.g. Wright , 1937 ; Flint , 1947 ; Charlesworth , 1957 ) had been particularly influential .
4 Small cetaceans would probably not fare better than birds after exposure to excessive quantities of organochlorines. indeed dolphins and porpoises may be particularly vulnerable because they apparently have a lower capacity for PCB degradation than birds .
5 They generally present a greater barrier to takeovers in EC member states than technical barriers , in particular in Spain , Italy and France .
6 They generally have a higher degree .
7 In addition , equities have a greater appeal to many groups of investors as they generally carry a higher expected rate of return .
8 Four of our six patients with active disease were on steroid therapy and they still had a greater absorption of PEGs than the patients in remission and controls .
9 A Byzantine historian remarked of the Franks in the sixth century that ‘ although they have become Christians , they still keep a greater part of their ancient religion ’ .
10 They still used the simpler armour found from the preceding century , with conical helmets padded or plated hauberks or jerkins , and fought with unprotected legs .
11 United at first only by philosophic error , they quickly establish the deeper unity of joint snorers .
12 They also earmarked a further three potential sites in Cornwall .
13 It was not merely that many people were dismayed by Labour 's tax plans : they also felt a wider and deeper sense of mistrust , that Labour 's numbers on revenue and spending simply did not add up .
14 There are no parturition problems : the calves are small at birth ( 30–35kg ) and have nicely tapered heads , and the prepotent bulls are ideal for crossing on first-calf heifers ; they also give a shorter gestation period by about a week and colour-mark their progeny .
15 They also include the broader strategic activities of PR , marketing and forward planning .
16 Its words are deeply personal ( ‘ I only know what I believe ’ ) but they also paint a bigger picture , of man in The New Age .
17 Its words are deeply personal ( ‘ I only know what I believe ’ ) but they also paint a bigger picture , of man in The New Age .
18 They also have a greater tendency to rate themselves as ambitious , highly sexed , strong-willed and well endowed .
19 They also have a higher use of sex aids , voyeurism and troilism .
20 They also have a higher prevalence of high blood pressure and rheumatic complaints ( Campling , 1981 , p. 142 ) .
21 But they also have a steadier , more sober way of edging themselves forward with their front pair of fins .
22 Paradoxically , they also encourage a greater reliance on means-tested benefits , which are divorced from employment records .
23 They probably have a clearer idea of the type of person needed in the post .
24 But when people lose their jobs , they now stand a worse than fifty-fifty chance of being out of work for more than three months ( in July 1978 , 53 per cent of those who were registered as unemployed had been out of work for longer than three months ) .
25 When the latter were realigned or made anew they often met the earlier roads at a sharp angle on the parish boundaries .
26 Cylinders rely on suction , which is why they often have a higher wattage than uprights .
27 They often pay a higher pension , based on 1/60th for each year of service rather than l/80th , but the tax-free lump sum has to be bought by giving up part of your pension .
28 Secondly , when readers complain about the lives of writers — why did n't he do this ; why did n't he protest to the newspapers about that ; why was n't he more involved in life ? — are n't they really asking a simpler , and vainer , question : why is n't he more like us ?
29 They then use the shorter needle-sharp lower mandible to cut a slit into the flower through which they insert their tongue .
30 Galway 's first success came in 1923 , and they then added a further three in the 80s , 1980 , 1987 , 1988 .
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