Example sentences of "they [am/are] not [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There is good evidence that the differences between them are not caused by differences between the DNA sequence of their genes , although it may be that different genes are active in different kinds of cells .
2 ‘ The challenge will be to maintain morale among the staff because what really matters is to make sure that services to people who need them are not disrupted during a period of change . ’
3 Inertia has kept the sites occupied , but functionally many of them are not related to their countryside surroundings .
4 Deposits can also be held at non-bank financial institutions such as building societies , mortgage corporations , savings and loans associations and finance houses ; however , such institutions generally have to hold cheque account balances at banks themselves and thus public deposits with them are not regarded as part of the nation 's money supply in many countries .
5 There are other goods which are held in common ownership , such as the air , the sea and common land , which it is difficult to prevent people from using because property rights in them are not assigned to individual owners .
6 Many of them are not used to disabled people , and , being temporary , they rarely get to know her anyway .
7 The press officers who compose them are n't employed for their outstanding literary flair and their missives routinely come replete with weak jokes and dismal puns .
8 I do n't know why they are n't voting in favour to be honest
9 Let's hope they are n't spoiled by the Black Death .
10 External UPSs ca n't do that because they are n't connected to the PC 's system bus .
11 They are n't seen about here very often .
12 I 'm in London I 'm in the nick I 'm in fucking Paddington Green for Christ 's sake , the high-security station they use for the Provos and they think I 'm so dangerous so much a security risk they 've got me here and even holding me under the Prevention of Terrorism Act Jesus God because some of them still are n't convinced they are n't dealing with some unholy alliance of the IRA , Welsh Nationalists and uppity jocks .
13 On the other hand , do n't go looking too battered : they are n't looking for Walter Huston , they 're looking for a younger , well-scrubbed , cheerfully confident Robert Mitchum . ’
14 ‘ I hope that they are n't staying for the dance . ’
15 Unless you can promote yourself as a bit-part player in some concocted yarn involving Madonna , outlandish sexual indiscretions , wilful substance abuse or , better still , all three , they are n't going to be interested .
16 Your father and I have talked to Lewis and he 's said they are n't going to actually rush into anything , but they just feel so … right together that it 's … just come up , you know ?
17 That they are n't going to be allowed to do that .
18 But now welfare workers believe " they are n't bothered about your sex life .
19 Now , it 's the pay formula er that is that is the problem in your mind , er have you got any suggestion that they are n't talking about that ?
20 ‘ This is just another demonstration that they are n't fighting for any cause .
21 To be fair , they are n't fighting in person , only in the ratings .
22 That 's why actions generally , although by no means always , do speak louder than words : because , paradoxically , they are n't meant to ‘ speak ’ at all , and a fortiori are n't meant to speak what 's false .
23 Self-contradiction is natural in the human make-up ; inconsistencies are not worrying in themselves , so long as they are n't planted by memoir-writers or biographers putting down other biographers .
24 Minor characters like Miss Skiffins , Wopsle , the Aged Parent and Clara Barley are mostly brought into the novel through light-hearted scenes and they are n't included in the actual story , only as comical characters — for light relief .
25 In fact , barn owls are reckoned to be one of the hardest breeds to hand-rear and train , and they are n't recommended for beginners — though I did n't know that then , What I did know was that I 'd probably lost the battle with this owl before I 'd started : I suspected he would be impossible to train , but I was so hooked on the idea of having my own bird that I could hardly drag myself away when I was looking at him .
26 However , it is encouraging they are n't rushing into expanded budgets , ’ says a spokeswoman .
27 The streets are n't cleaned often enough or they are n't cleaned at all .
28 While depression , incontinence , dementia , general aches and pains , and particular illnesses are more likely to develop they are not caused by old age itself .
29 This by no means commits them to the view that actions and attitudes are uncaused , merely to the more limited view that they are not caused by the properties of social wholes .
30 They are not caused by individual neurosis , but it is being asserted that religion is best understood as if it were a symptom of a neurosis of humanity as a whole .
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