Example sentences of "they [am/are] [vb pp] [adv prt] in " in BNC.

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1 Instead , they are bound up in the replication of previously set standards and routines which may actually frustrate the straightforward goal of simply getting housework done .
2 In addition , savers can miss up to six monthly payments over the five years provided they are made up in the months immediately following the five-year term .
3 They may bear grievances about the fact that they are locked up in prison , perhaps for longer than they feel they deserve or for longer than other offenders whom they regard as comparable .
4 So far we have been raising rather large issues in an abstracted and certainly general fashion which , it is to be hoped , will become clearer as they are filled out in what follows by way of the discussion of specific methods of data collection .
5 It becomes a colossal step to re-enter working life , even if they are wanted back in the labour market .
6 They are wanted back in the States for the ‘ voodoo murders ’ of the girl 's parents .
7 They are built up in tiers of well-rotted manure , grass clipping and annual weeds from the garden ; thin layers of pigeon droppings are then used as a compost activator .
8 they are airlifted out in a helicopter gunship
9 One-off dramatisations inevitably build around a central series of events which may be true to life in what they depict , but false in the way that time is telescoped ; in other words , they are played out in dramatic , not real time .
10 In this regard , I fully concur with the Commission 's assessments as they are set out in the reports for the hearings ( see paragraphs 49 and 50 of the report in the Factortame case ( Case C 221/89 ) , ante , pp. 299G — 300A , and paragraphs 21 and 22 of the report in Commission of the European Communities v. United Kingdom ( Case C 246/89 ) ) .
11 They are set out in detail and we have indicated how they are paid for .
12 They are not — it was a working document from officials ; Ministers ' views were set out in the citizens charter as they are set out in the Bill .
13 They are set out in the form of a balance sheet .
14 Thus you discover what tasks are to be performed and how they are carried out in order to create a picture of what the person will actually do in the job .
15 Sensitivity at the outset far outweighs a full routine of complicated strokes if they are carried out in a mechanical and impersonal manner .
16 The way in which the three parts of Hobbes 's system are meant to hang together and the methodology by which they are worked out in detail is , of course , most fully explained in its first part , De Corpore .
17 Some — like that of Ryno the medic , exhausted and saddened after a struggle to save the life of a fellow constable — show how very young most men are when they are caught up in armed conflicts .
18 But there are several aspects of this prophetic Spirit that are especially important , and they are taken up in the New Testament .
19 Most experimental studies of sleep now allow subjects a night of acclimatization to laboratory conditions , so that on their first night they are wired up in the usual way , but whatever recordings made are discarded , and the experiments proper begin on the second night .
20 These are wonderful as they are drawn out in centimetres or inches .
21 Relations — including the nicknames they are known by in the family .
22 It seems , however , that many women worry that their partner 's arousal is dependent on the lingerie they 're togged out in , and has nothing at all to do with them .
23 But remember that they 're tucked up in a nice warm greenhouse and it can be pretty chilly outside .
24 One driver told the interviewer : ‘ I 'm always thinking that they 're sat back in the office thinking ‘ Where has he got to ’ , and it puts you on edge so I always drive faster in a company car because time is against me . ’
25 No they 're rolled up in
26 ‘ My grandmother says when they 're curled up in a circle with their tails in their mouths , that 's a symbol of eternity , ’ said Emily .
27 It 's because they 're caught up in a system which keeps blacks in positions where they have to play only secondary roles to whites .
28 You like to confuse people , and then you suddenly charge at them and trample them underfoot while they 're caught up in that confusion .
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