Example sentences of "they [verb] not [vb infin] all " in BNC.

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1 To confuse matters for the historian , the exponents of widely differing interpretations called themselves ‘ Darwinians ’ because they acknowledged Darwin 's lead even if they did not accept all the details of his theory .
2 If they did not know all of his plans , they would be placing themselves in great danger .
3 Following a low fat diet in the long term would certainly ensure that they did not regain all they had lost so far .
4 Of course , they did not get all that they wanted , but they will be back for more .
5 Lastly , question ( 4 ) referred to the court in Case C 221/89 is concerned with the fact that the Act of 1988 also applies to fishing vessels which were registered in the old register but , because they do not satisfy all the new requirements , in principle ceased to be registered on 31 March 1989 .
6 The Appropriation Accounts are concerned with monies voted by Parliament ; but although they cover a vast area they do not contain all public monies .
7 Local authorities possess in the full council meeting a ‘ centre of decision-making ’ , but they do not control all public policy decisions within the geographical area in which they operate .
8 Some 40 per cent of primary schools are ‘ incomplete ’ : that is , they do not cover all six grades .
9 I would expect that because at this stage they do not understand all the pros and cons .
10 On the other hand , I know that at least some people must have read it because each day I get a pile of letters about my book , many asking questions or making detailed comments that indicate that they have read it , even if they do not understand all of it .
11 As such , they do not include all the varied elements that influence the distribution of income , but we have supplemented the formal algebra by a qualitative account of the most significant mechanisms that remain to be incorporated .
12 They do not list all the inhabitants by any means , but as a large proportion of the workforce were employed in trades , crafts and services a good idea of the occupational structure of a town can be quickly gained from a scrutiny of the classified entries .
13 Kin are those with whom we adopt the special style of informal communication which is adopted towards members of the immediate domestic family who are treated in this specially favoured way even when they do not live all together in one household .
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