Example sentences of "they [verb] for [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Detailed studies of particular artefacts direct attention to the varying complexity involved in manufacturing items , many of them designed for specific functions .
2 ‘ There is nothing to stop them applying for other nights , but there is no guarantee that they will get them .
3 You bought it and bought it , that 's it , not same as they do with yeah with them looking for bloody sponsors unheard and them looking for bloody sponsors eh ?
4 You bought it and bought it , that 's it , not same as they do with yeah with them looking for bloody sponsors unheard and them looking for bloody sponsors eh ?
5 Organizations operating in the north of the country spoke of recruiting seasonal workers from amongst people who had contacted them looking for permanent positions .
6 Hospitals kept them waiting for scarce beds , but sat on acres of land in the middle of booming cities .
7 Very importantly , just maybe , these prospective , highly motivated , branch admin officers would inject new life into non-active branches and from a personal point of view , I would see this as an opportunity to gain experience , which would encourage them to apply for regional organizer 's jobs when they come available and do n't we need more women officers ?
8 The simplest way to program the NSA 's computers at Morwenstow and Menwith Hill is to have them watch for specific names , addresses , telephone and telex numbers , as in the case of Kinnock 's call to Turnbull .
9 In these cases , financial security , a reluctance to move to a new employer , and proximity to the statutory pension age , coupled with a desire to do other things with their time or simply to stop working , led them to opt for early retirement .
10 How does he square the Government 's commitment to allow public service managers the right to manage with compelling them to opt for competitive tendering in circumstances where , he will accept , that can be costly to prepare and can lead to inflexibility in meeting changing circumstances ?
11 One theatre management which gave concessionary tickets , for instance , had never thought about the problems it caused its older customers by refusing advance booking and forcing them to queue for standby tickets .
12 Two microscope slides can be placed together with water or oil between them to allow for easy movement across one another , but trying to pull them apart without sliding the surfaces together is very difficult .
13 These plans have been broadly accepted and , with others to follow , Lindsell expects them to account for substantial investment and allocation of human resources over the next five years or so .
14 NATIONAL Power and PowerGen , the privatised power generators , are making changes in the way they account for direct sales to industrial companies to reduce the risk of discrimination and cross-subsidies .
15 Farmers whose turnover is below the registration limit , currently £36,600 a year , may use the scheme if they qualify for voluntary VAT registration .
16 Alec and his colleagues believe the military would laugh at them if they asked for personal protection weapons .
17 And so they asked for English counsel and ‘ furtherance ’ .
18 They applied for judicial review of the Secretary of State 's decisions and sought orders of certiorari to quash those decisions and declarations that the Secretary of State could not set a period for retribution and deterrence for a mandatory life sentence greater than that recommended by the judiciary , that he was required to tell the applicants the period recommended by the judiciary , and if he departed from it his reasons for so doing , and that the applicants were entitled to be given the opportunity to make representations to the Secretary of State before he determined the period and for that purpose to be told of any information upon which the Secretary of State would act which was not in the applicant 's possession .
19 Hoarse cries busied the air , and Riven heard the gulls screaming as they fought for odd fish on the quay and whirled round the masts of the ships , speckling the docks with guano .
20 Before the second Dutch war they argued for parliamentary control of the revenue destined for the war , and during the session of 1666–7 Garway was in the forefront of the group 's attacks on government corruption , proposing a statutory committee to examine the accounts of the money which had been given for the war with the Dutch .
21 Despite revolutionary zeal , or perhaps because of it , they sought immediate compensations for the miseries of daily life , and spontaneous methods of attack which they mistook for political strategy .
22 MORE than 60 people have died and 600 are ill after eating poisonous toadstools they mistook for wild mushrooms in the Ukraine .
23 Primary elections are very popular with the television industry ; they make for good visuals , and they allow producers to focus ad infinitum on personalities rather than getting bogged down in the boring complexities of issues .
24 In May 1940 , the RCM general secretary wrote to the Chief Rabbi , pointing out ‘ that our Regional Committees are autonomous and neither they nor the committees under them like interference in the arrangements they make for religious instruction ’ .
25 The problem with them , however , is that it is not always clear what predictions they make for particular paradigms ( Alba & Hasher , 1983 ; Brewer & Nakamura , 1984 ) .
26 Outside the gates of Zhongnanhai , where China 's top leaders reside , they shouted for political reform and democracy .
27 Students are taught , for instance , to ‘ read ’ in a different way from that of everyday practice : rather than reading a text from beginning to end in the sequence in which the publisher has ordered it , they are urged to select what they want for particular purposes from different parts of the text , using the contents page , index , chapter headings etc. and moving backwards and forwards within that text and to other texts .
28 Law centres vary in the services that they provide for individual clients .
29 they provide for inter-disciplinary cooperation and a mixing of skills and expertise ;
30 Far from it , what they say for public consumption appears to be at odds with what they are saying privately .
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