Example sentences of "they [verb] in [art] same " in BNC.

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1 Without turning round he said in a harsh voice : ‘ If you want to know about Inez , Mr Wycliffe , you must ask Sara , the two of them lived in the same house for nearly twelve years .
2 Christian Democrats voted by 66 to 28 to accept the Tories as ‘ allied members ’ , allowing them to sit in the same group as the Christian Democrats in the Strasbourg Euro-parliament from May 1 .
3 We might , therefore , expect them to work in the same sort of way as the visual system .
4 Now what I 'm wondering is this : instead of thinking that staying put is natural , and then having to introduce a force of gravity — which then mysteriously pulls on everything to make them behave in the same way — why not start out by saying that falling is the natural thing to do !
5 There are at least ten or a dozen different principal textures , but it would be unusual to find a large number of them used in the same piece .
6 As one jaundiced critic put it in 1733 : " A set of brocaded tradesmen cloathed in purple and fine linen , and faring sumptuously every day , raising to themselves immense wealth , so as to marry their daughters to the first rank , and leave their sons such estates as to enable them to live in the same degree .
7 More generally on durability , it seems that the requirement that the goods be of merchantable quality is a continuing requirement that they will continue to be of merchantable quality for a reasonable period after delivery so long as they remain in the same apparent state as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear .
8 In Lambert v. Lewis ( 1981 H.L. ) Lord Diplock said that the condition of fitness for purpose was a continuing obligation ‘ that the goods will continue to be fit for that purpose for a reasonable time after delivery , so long as they remain in the same apparent state and condition as that in which they were delivered , apart from normal wear and tear . ’
9 They lived in the same apartment block and often dined together , creating unfounded rumours that they were having an affair .
10 Samuel was the more prolific pamphleteer , but according to Edwards , mother and son collaborated closely , ‘ the one inditing and the other writing ’ , and they lived in the same house at least until the end of 1652 .
11 They change in the same society over time ; for example , when one society is at war with another , some people are actively encouraged to wound and kill other people from the enemy group .
12 Do they behave in the same way syntactically , or , to put it more accurately , do topics , like themes , have no syntax ?
13 They sleep in the same room with each other , and look beautiful when I am putting them to bed , jumping and hopping about quite naked , rejoicing in the freedom of no clothes .
14 In the first nine regions , including the social variables would have resulted in a change of target allocations which opposed the effect of reducing the weighting of standardised mortality ratio — that is , they act in the same direction as standardised mortality ratio .
15 They react in the same way whether the electric field is due to static charges or to a time-varying magnetic field ; under the force qE they rearrange themselves so as to cancel the electric field inside the conducting material as shown in Fig. 4.1(a) .
16 they came as the same they came in the same colour mu thing round them we in the red letters saying what they are .
17 Careful descriptions of speech are necessary because people 's beliefs about their actual linguistic behaviour are often very inaccurate ; many people think they speak in the same way as they write but , in fact , no one does .
18 Riva would not hear them , were it not for the fact they speak in the same language , use the same gestures , and wear the same scars or armbands as her saints .
19 Mosasaurs , when not head-butting each other , were deep-diving sea hunters , and evidence of avascular necrosis in their bone structure hinted that they suffered in the same way as did human divers — they had frequent spells of the ‘ bends ’ .
20 But do they believe in the same god or do they believe in different gods ?
21 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Wind ows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
22 OS/2 2.1 provides support for Windows applications with Object Linking and Embedding capabilities if they run in the same WIN-OS/2 session .
23 Populations evolved separately in each of these pools , and only when the water rose again did they re-convene in the same lake .
24 Herbert Tempest asked readers for information on George Whitbread , a man he lost touch with 40 years ago after they served in the same RAF squadron .
25 Will they vote in the same way if their right to have a say is taken away from them ?
26 Some become associated in our minds when they recur in the same order .
27 They operate in the same way as the lighthouse you read about on page 1 .
28 One popular religious writer who thinks that they believe in the same god is John Hick .
29 They worked in the same office , they ate their lunch together , they went down the Lane on Sundays and the Roman Road on Fridays .
30 Even when they worked in the same industry they were often employed in quite different processes : in copper mining for example at the surface not underground , and were separately waged .
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