Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 It will target specifically chosen people in an effort to help them make links with the changing climate .
2 Within a few years of transfer to the South Metropolitan system , all these cars had the headlamps moved from the canopy front to the usual position on the dash , one reason being that it enabled them to carry advertisements in the same positions as the rest of the fleet .
3 You 'd be surprised , some of them make bookings with the beautician and hairdresser even before they come on board . ’
4 The nests are intricate structures beautifully woven by the male birds , who then display on them to attract females to the nest .
5 The restructuring would be supported by loans totalling between $500,000,000 and $600,000,000 from the World Bank and the Inter-American Development Bank ( IADB ) to provide those dismissed with compensation , training and advice to enable them to find jobs in the private sector .
6 Council tenants also receive an indirect subsidy as a result of the central government grants to local authorities for housing which enable them to set rents below the level that would otherwise have been needed .
7 Quite a large proportion of the world 's volcanoes are located on the oceanic crust , most of them forming parts of the mid-ocean ridge systems .
8 Originally it was planned for them to eliminate enemies of the Islamic Republic , but this mission was deemed more important .
9 It is able to move on to the next stage of the action if the various relevant conditions have been satisfied and to produce documentation for court or reminders for the debt recovery unit personnel to enable them to progress matters beyond the next stage .
10 Many of them wear slippers around the house , and if they tend to shuffle a little as their joints stiffen , rugs become dangerous obstacles to their safe movement from room to room .
11 That way , protection could be extended to small airlines , such as Virgin , in the winter months , enabling them to lower fares in the summer months .
12 erm They do n't like them to buy copies of the school reading scheme and keep it at home and go through it book by book , that they feel is encroaching on their professionalism .
13 The owners of these vouchers could either sell them for cash on the secondary market ; or use them to buy shares in the privatisations of 6,000 medium-to-large companies due this year .
14 Terrapins have been left here and in similar ponds around the country by bored pet owners for years , but the numbers have been growing thanks to children who have tired of the Teenage Mutant Hero Turtle craze that led them to buy terrapins in the first place .
15 Perverse conditioned psychological needs require some of our best thinking to solve — but then we should n't have let them become habits in the first place .
16 Some of them supplemented wages from the great estates with tiny holdings , where they were lucky enough to have them .
17 Justices must learn new skills and learn them quickly , although no one expects them to give judgments in the way that a judge does .
18 To see them annihilate all-comers in the Scottish League only serves to confirm our prejudices about the infirmity of their national football .
19 SCHOOLGIRLS are being told that the door is open to them to pursue careers in the once traditionally male dominated fields of science and engineering .
20 The Communist Party had written to Divisional Councils and branches of the ILP inviting them to send representatives to the forthcoming Seventh World Congress of the Communist International .
21 Edward studied the original cards — most of them contained quotations from the Rosarium philosophorum , a text I had n't read .
22 The lawyer , the printing works foreman , and Beryl had each of them offered facets of the old man 's character which suggested not only a cynical vein of humour and a streak of malice but a disdainful attitude to at least some of those closest to him .
23 Winchester 's complaints that they had had no opportunity to make any representation and that they lacked particulars of the allegations which were made against them , met with no response from Lautro .
24 Winchester complained that they had had no opportunity to make any representations , and that they lacked particulars of the allegations made against them , to which there was no direct response from Lautro .
25 But Conservatives in the ruling coalition dislike the idea because they fear losses at the polls next year to the far-right Republicans .
26 I 'd learned their names only to the extent that they owned horses in the horse car or had touched bases with Filmer , which came to only about half .
27 They chose the teenagers and topics after group discussions at 26 schools in northern England , firstly speaking to children from the programme 's target age-range ( the 11-13s ) to find out what interested them then they met teenagers from the presenters ' target age range ( 1416 ) to find out more ideas for topics and to choose the reporters .
28 Only Crass seemed to bother , and they got questions in the House for their troubles .
29 Only Crass seemed to bother , and they got questions in the House for their troubles .
30 I had a close look at the table last night — what really — ehh — scares me is Scum 's away form — in fact they are better away than at Old Scumford — even so they are just as good away as we are at HQ … yes they are vulnerable — but as they got points from the games vs us , Newcastle , Blacburn and Scousers recently i ca n't see what ( who ) is gon na crack them ?
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