Example sentences of "they [verb] [prep] [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 There was another one came in with a little bit of a strain yesterday morning , so what 've done this morning , we 've just had a collective training session and we 've told them to report at quarter to eleven in the morning .
2 This convention retained something of the laconic style of drafting of its Latin American predecessors , and like them applied in principle to both the service of documents and the taking of evidence .
3 For another , many of the genes carried by plasmids — such as those specifying resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin or penicillin — are flanked by special DNA which enables them to jump from plasmid to chromosome and back , or from one plasmid to another .
4 He , after all , found her quite as repulsive as she found him and , as the two of them waltzed from oven to sink , from window to cutlery drawer , staring up , down , sideways , anywhere but at each other , Henry had always assumed that this was no more than the usual politesse of a failed English , suburban marriage .
5 My screams of terror awoke my parents and brought them rushing in panic to my room .
6 ‘ Jim has been patching players up to keep them going from week to week .
7 It may be that one day we shall discover a complete unified theory that predicts them all , but it is also possible that some or all of them vary from universe to universe or within a single universe .
8 In their factory , so essential to the prosperity of Trazior — to its trade and supply routes forever preyed on by vicious nomads — the Valences lived their whole lives , many of them adapted by surgery to their specialised tasks .
9 Who are defined as enemies and what action is taken against them varies from country to country and from time to time .
10 Public opinion toward them varies from suspicion to hostility , and a major police problem would appear to be relations with the public .
11 The Dutch government is offering farmers subsidies to persuade them to switch from dairy to energy farming .
12 But the successful intervention of the communist Chinese in the Korean War proved to be the start of a period in which the British , while they clung of necessity to the Atlantic alliance , were often fearful of some impulsive or extreme action by the United States which would lead to an unnecessary intensification of East–West conflict and even , possibly , to the Third World War .
13 Talking of exotic locations , our lucky fashion department have been off to colourful Morocco , to see how they got on turn to page 37 .
14 They jerk in surrender to the pulse of Fole 's hammerskins , the tremulous yodelling of Tumblejack 's voice .
15 They jerk from side to side and rub themselves on the plants , but there is no redness or inflammation of the gills .
16 Financial support is perhaps the most accessible to documentation , although even this is not always clear , especially for the great majority of the population who did not codify their financial support for kin through wills and settlements , simply because they lived from hand to mouth .
17 Perhaps the most fundamental factor drawing government and businessmen together was the common ground they shared in relation to labour .
18 The forms have no definite shape , as they change from round to round , but they are vaguely humanoid and attack with limb-like appendages .
19 They change from egg to caterpillar to chrysalis to adult .
20 This pleasant , open admiration was doing wonders for her self-confidence , and once more they plunged into conversation to the exclusion of all around them .
21 The British government is sponsoring a proposal for a European Community ban on the import of tropical wild birds because of the high death rates they suffer during transport to Europe after their capture in the forests of Africa and South America .
22 He wishes to interpret substantive cases and find out what they mean in relation to their social context .
23 That afternoon , as they moved from church to market square and strolled admiringly past rows of handsome eighteenth-century houses , greedily Robbie recorded every second , every sight , every sensation , building up a store of precious memories to take out and brood over when this time out of reality — as it must — came to an end .
24 They moved from cover to cover within the compound , advancing towards the rear of the battle , following the sounds that would lead them to their own side and to news of the day 's progress .
25 Much of this mobility was accounted for by adolescent farm servants who regularly changed jobs every year ; they moved from farm to farm regardless of parish boundaries but rarely went very far .
26 The Conservative philosophy fitted , so they moved from Labour to Conservative . ’
27 It also led to closer contacts between the dancers as they moved from picture to picture within the design .
28 They bounced from wall to wall , crossing and recrossing , and the violet light flickered in time with the sound .
29 His attention settled on the ducks on the lake but whenever he got near they fled in panic to the shore and sheltered under bushes and trees where he could not reach them .
30 The memories they described in response to the stimulus were highly specific and no longer consciously recollected ; on experiencing the memory they also relived the feelings they had at the time .
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