Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun sg] by [noun] " in BNC.

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1 If anyone else lives there they 'll know what I mean ) My intense dislike for them grows day by day , just like my overdraught .
2 They lay side by side like effigies , both staring at the sky .
3 Exhausted they lay side by side watching the flames dance on the ceiling .
4 Now , re-aroused , he curled his body to hers and slid into her lazily , as they lay side by side .
5 They lay side by side , doing their relaxation exercises — deep breathing and total muscular relaxation from the feet up .
6 Their bodies were covered in a mist of moisture as they lay side by side .
7 Inside her she had felt a little sense of triumph begin to grow as they rode side by side through the cool bright jungle glades ; sometimes she had allowed her horse to drift towards his on the narrow trail , perhaps hoping he might give voice to the passion his expression had seemed to promise at the palais .
8 Just as they defy access , they defy organization by outsiders .
9 When they reached the log they stopped side by side and looked across the narrow water towards him .
10 Hotspur watched the marred profile beside him curiously as they paced side by side , for he was greatly drawn to his prisoner , and could not reconcile the many stories concerning him with this man he had begun to know .
11 ‘ I take it you and Rodney are feeling better ? ’ she commented as they strolled side by side .
12 The style of the earliest red-figure does not differ from that of black-figure , and for long they flourished side by side ; but the new technique was to prove better suited than the old to new ideas of drawing and composition that developed as part of the general late sixth-century movement which undermined the conventions of archaic art .
13 These ancient piles of stones , long known as the Three Men of Gragareth , have an origin beyond the memory of man : they stand side by side , mute sentinels overlooking a vast panorama that has never changed and never will .
14 That power is even greater for the children when they read poetry by habit , sitting on scatter cushions in the library , perhaps , or at their desks .
15 The pilots were told to divert towards India but it is believed they turned north by mistake and hit the mountains .
16 It was this temporal hiatus , as much as anything , which allowed the Vietminh to assume power , particularly in the north , but when the Kuomintang Chinese armies of occupation moved in , nominally to take the surrender of Japanese troops but in fact to remove almost everything of value that was portable , they existed side by side in fruitful collaboration .
17 They walked side by side , not touching , down to the corner where Steep Street began .
18 They walked side by side down a moonlit path leading to Crystal Springs House .
19 And although they walked side by side , Jessamy felt as if there were an invisible , impenetrable wall between them .
20 ‘ Lady Percy ! ’ said her father , musing , as they walked side by side towards the gatehouse .
21 Zuwaya said that in the past they achieved justice by threat and compensation , by massing lineages to menace vengeance .
22 They encourage access by walks , picnic areas , car parks etc .
23 The schools ' governors were responsible for admissions , and they favoured selection by ability .
24 So she watched , and listened , and fell a little further , and when his bleep went she went back with him to the department and they worked side by side , communicating with a gesture or a word almost in silence , each anticipating the other 's needs as they dealt with a little girl who had fallen out of a tree and broken both arms and one leg .
25 Of the others — and this is no more than reportage of answers to the question - the ambulance services emerge reasonably well , in that they allow service by right of assessment .
26 Most weekends , they labour side by side to conserve funds for the jobs they can not tackle .
27 The change in hours may compound an underlying increase in the number of claims , either because of increasing demand by patients or because the higher fee might encourage doctors to visit when previously they offered advice by telephone .
28 I am aware that these two attitudes are contradictory , but they exist side by side in my mind and , I would guess , in the minds of many others .
29 They ran side by side , easy with training , breathless only with amazement , and now the sun was coming up over the edge of the sea and the whole world was sharp and glittery , concrete and weeds , and the barbed wire hanging drops of dew and spiders ' webs .
30 Strange to say , at Sligo they stood side by side , obvious rivals .
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