Example sentences of "they [verb] [adv] [vb infin] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 6 people were removed from the country when they signed a paper agreeing to leave the country voluntarily , however due to the fact that they did not speak English they were unaware of what they were signing .
2 In fact they did not speak French either , they spoke a sort of fractured German .
3 They did not express community , clustered around the green and church , in the adventitious manner of the true village ; they were drawn up in parallel lines to each side of the road .
4 When Bell and his colleagues analysed the contents of the stomachs of four of the five ( they did not study buffalo ) , they found that each species was living on a different part of the vegetation .
5 But they did not give rise to new grouping systems within or between schools .
6 They did not waste time there but headed downhill , taking the shepherds ' road that slanted luminous green between clusters of birches , their shadows stretching ahead like gawky giants so that the children jigged to make the shadows jump and curved their fingers from their heads to give the giants silhouettes like devils .
7 She met Bill coming back up the steps , and they did not waste time on speech .
8 showed mercy on them even though they did not show mercy on him .
9 Admittedly , dealing with a woman as dominating as Catherine de Medici and a family as powerful as the Guises , which all three had to do , would have put strains on personalities far stronger than Francis II , Charles IX and Henri III ; but the fact remains that while , unlike Mary , they did not show indifference to their kingdom , they were exactly like her in failing to assert their control of it .
10 They did not commit suicide .
11 System builders that Microprocessor Report spoke to at Comdex last month said they did not expect volume production of Intel Corp 's Pentium chip until mid-1993 at best , suggesting the part has slipped another few months .
12 In these circumstances perhaps , they did not reinterpret history in each passing generation : experience of the relationship did not produce contestatory reformulations of knowledge .
13 They did not intend rowing so far .
14 Important though these duties were , they were fairly routine in character ; they did not bring Clanvow to the notice of a wider public .
15 They did not want success at all costs , but likewise they were not willing to jump off the pop escalator , or stand on the spot arguing among themselves .
16 At a meeting at the end of 1989 between Navan Resources and the islanders , the company were told by the islanders that they did not want gold mining .
17 But they did not want change and the link to be forged if it were to lead on to wild and radical measures for democracy , equality , and a social revolution that would threaten their larger position of power within the developing economy .
18 The banks have been holding off up till now , because they did not want loan losses further to dent their earnings , already hit by the stockmarket fall , in the current financial year .
19 Some taxi firms said they did not want blood in their cars .
20 But that if they did not make progress we were going to be in a really difficult situation which might have military overtones as well .
21 After clocking on for a night shift they did not start work immediately but went instead to the canteen for a cup of tea .
22 They did not feel sensation , but became sensation , pulsating , thrilling , climbing , soaring , diving , and then falling back towards earth only to soar suddenly upwards again .
23 As long as they paid their dues , they did not suffer interference from the Ixmarites .
24 Danckwerts LJ , giving the first judgment , first easily reached the conclusion that they did not form part of the structure and then went on …
25 The Czechoslovak authorities maintained throughout that all such arms deals were intended to help counter " problems of unemployment " , and that they did not represent part of the Czechoslovak Army 's own weapons stocks but were newly-manufactured weapons .
26 Lord Taylor said the Crown argued that , although this and other discrepancies demonstrated sloppiness in police procedure , they did not cast doubt on the jury 's verdict .
27 He had learned early on that they did not appreciate questioning .
28 While these observations were clearly compatible with the assumption of the enzyme being trapped after Michael addition to the modified cytosine residue , they did not furnish structural proof and , in particular , since site-specific analogue incorporation was not possible , they did not provide information pertaining to sequence selectivity of the crosslinking reaction .
29 In the detailed cross-tabulations for our main survey ( not always included in Appendix I ) , we found that women were much more likely to say they did not know what sort of interest rate to expect , and to say they did not understand interest rates well .
30 However , people who confessed that they did not understand interest rates at all well ( see below ) were more likely than average to find that the total cost of their most recent credit transaction had been more than they had planned .
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