Example sentences of "they [verb] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The rest of Europe laughs at the feudal system that most of them got rid of centuries ago .
2 Visiting friends can be a great help for this , and you can ask them to come prepared with items to read to the patient , or ideas to discuss .
3 The job of quietening them has fallen to Bob Burgreen , the chief of police .
4 ‘ Maybe my connection with them has rebounded on Sheffield United .
5 None of none of them has got in contact with me .
6 The silence between them seemed to last for eternity , and the longer it lasted , the harder it seemed to find something to say .
7 He knew how to extract ideas and information from people without ever making them feel sucked of vitality — because he never failed to give back as much as he took .
8 The general level of pain and fear for all gay men who call is now higher and just below the surface , as many of them seek to come to terms with the virus and its effect on their lives .
9 Coming from college a lot of them used to work in groups but a lot of them had worked more individually and they had very flat scores i e everything was quite equal and they did n't have anything coming through okay .
10 And er when I first came to the shop , the mo m A lot of them used to come by train and you know taxis or meeting and at the station and and away from Holyhead they used to stop by the shop for fruit .
11 The end of the wars drove them back to the British Isles , and some of them turned to fight for land in Ireland .
12 Certainly one would expect judges to exhaust every resource available to them to avoid committing to prison ( in this instance for six years ) a person who has not had an answer to arguable grounds of appeal .
13 But one of them keeps trying to needle us into a response .
14 The competition made them decide to move to Easingwold , some 22 miles away as the crow flies and nearer 28 miles along the winding roads .
15 some of them , some of them began to spit on Jesus and they blind folded him .
16 He told me that it was necessary for them to start praying at home every day .
17 Before setting out she had buried her husband , two sons and a daughter — all of them having starved to death .
18 I can not find any reference to them having bred in captivity , except one paragraph , which says ‘ they may be induced to spawn by frequent water changes , which would represent the onset of the rainy season when their breeding takes place . ’
19 Why did no one raise the alarm when they failed to arrive at Charmouth ?
20 The Scots have four decent locks , although they failed to cope with John Eales ; but remember he is the best lock in the world .
21 In the abstract the Free City arrangements might have worked , but they failed to take into account the hostilities they provoked ; failed to take into account the fears and prejudices unleashed by the sudden alteration of patterns of trade and allegiance ; and failed to take into account the long years of humiliating Polish partition , Prussian Polenpolitik and the rise of revolutionary Russia .
22 And they could have continued to pay £1 a year for the next 21 years but it is claimed that they failed to act in time .
23 They lay gasping for breath behind some wooden benches .
24 In fact they expected to meet with USL chairman Bob Kavner and lay their money on the table the week before Christmas , only to be caught off guard by the Novell announcement .
25 She knows the woman who cleans for the Sheldrake practice , and the other day , while waiting in the bus shelter , they got talking about Dawn and Robert .
26 They a they 'll have the other two , they got told in advance but this one , she never .
27 At a larger distance , none the less , a pattern of partial unity of purpose grows faintly visible , and the old romancers and young realists of post-war Britain by now look one in what they denied and defied , even if they remain opposed in style and in the positives of dogmatic faith .
28 Like a city buried by a volcano , they remain frozen in time , untouched by the change , decay and renewal which constantly alter the structures of our conscious mental life .
29 Prior to AD 625 the coins are found mainly in Kent and the upper Thames valley ; afterwards they are found spread over a wider area as far afield as Ireland , Scotland , Derbyshire and Yorkshire , although they remain concentrated in south-east England .
30 I 'd like to go into a little more the composition of the net debt which again is something that er interests some of you we have er a reduction both on gross debt and equally an increase in cash as you would expect as a result of the Elsivir sale the increases are not fixed debt fixed term fixed rate debt is a function again of the exchange rate we have n't in issued any more the whole of the reduction of debt therefore is confined to our floating rate or variable debt and that amount 's ready to the repayment of the gilder drawings we had under our to hedge or partially to hedge our holding in Elsivir We have increased our cash holdings and they remain concentrated in sterling as part of our sterling er asset er portfolio which is managed from Millbank and which we regard as our investable funds as and when needed .
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