Example sentences of "they [verb] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 They also authorised FERL to approach the former East German authorities of Thüringen , now one of the new ‘ Länder ’ ( regions ) in Germany , to ask them to include provision for community radios in their legislation .
2 Whereas in the past voters had looked to parties and party workers to help them make sense of politics , this function was now largely given up to television news broadcasts .
3 Drama provides another major resource in overcoming passivity , in stimulating children to become actively involved in thinking about language , and in helping them to enjoy literature at school so that they will continue to read and to act and to attend theatrical performances for the rest of their lives .
4 That there is no popular opposition is testimony not only to how successful they have been , but also to the fact that there appears to be simply no desirable alternative : the British just do not like their politicians enough to want them made head of state .
5 A recent study of long-term fraud in the United Kingdom ( Levi 1981 ) also documents how companies are set up with the deliberate intention of using them to obtain goods on credit for which payment is never intended to be made .
6 ( a ) it enables them to demand standards of quality , and ranges of goods which fit into their market strategy , rather than accepting what the manufacturer might prefer ,
7 Behind them rose plumes of steam lit from below by the crackling death of his amps .
8 It was when , on their leader 's orders , they went to search the huts and hovels and woods beside and ahead of them to find signs of retreat or of ambush that the news they brought back seemed to unsettle their leader and the noblemen from Northumbria and from Fife whom he conferred with .
9 They may have a medical problem which the doctor can help with , but the doctor can also help them to find help at home .
10 This allows them to choose merchandise in comfort and in relaxed and friendly surroundings . ’
11 On June 11 the Supreme Soviet passed mass privatization legislation under which vouchers worth between 5,000 and 10,000 roubles would be distributed to all citizens to enable them to purchase shares in state property .
12 Their English should be sufficiently accurate , specialised and idiomatic for them to detect subtleties of detail and meaning in English material presented to them , and to express such subtleties when they write .
13 There is no evidence of when the committal order was drawn up , although Mrs. Butler 's solicitors were assured that this would happen in sufficient time for them to receive copies by fax later that afternoon .
14 Unusually , pigeons and chickens can bend their corneas as well as their lenses to help them bring objects into focus .
15 The Down 's Syndrome Association desperately need volunteers to give up a few hours before or after work on Thursday June 24 to help them collect donations at mainline stations .
16 ‘ AN upsurge in Russian naval activity has mystified Western intelligence and led to speculation that ships and submarines have been sent to sea to prevent them causing trouble at home … the increased activity coincides with a statement by the navy 's chief , Admiral Vladimir Chernavin , detailing ambitious — and expensive — plans for powerful aircraft battle groups able to operate independently anywhere in the world .
17 Several of them showed signs of injury , leading to claims in the US and the UK that they had been coerced into making their statements .
18 The Welsh miners and their families and the Turkish workers and their families eat well together , exchange song , dance and poetry , while around them hang banners of solidarity with Chile , the African National Congress , and the women of Greenham Common .
19 I 've seen them going kind of black , you know ?
20 They have enjoyed a higher level of formal education than their older colleagues , some of them possessing degrees in chemistry or biology from universities or polytechnics .
21 Greenpeace says that farmers will thus be tied into an agricultural system dependent on chemicals by making it attractive for them to buy herbicides in tandem with resistant crops .
22 Three of Mr Farrelly 's top officials have resigned since November , two of them citing lack of support from the governor as a reason .
23 If anyone else lives there they 'll know what I mean ) My intense dislike for them grows day by day , just like my overdraught .
24 She wondered if there was any hope of getting them to play cards after supper instead of watching telly .
25 Even Airbus plans to shrink its 150-seat A320 , but could be forbidden to do so by DASA and Aerospatiale , which between them control 75% of Airbus .
26 The Confederation of British Industry has warned companies to be on the lookout for letters from overseas publishers inviting them to submit entries in fax , telex and trademark directories .
27 To Michael Powell documentary was nothing more than a refuge for ‘ disappointed feature filmmakers or out-of-work poets ’ , but the wartime films he made within an immensely fruitful collaboration ( the Archers ) with the Hungarian Emeric Pressburger , with the two of them sharing credits for production , direction and screenwriting , take on documentary concerns in ways which indicate that the absorption of the documentary filmmakers into commercial filmmaking was only an incidental part of a process with roots deep in wartime culture .
28 Oh , he had them locked antler to antler now , two proud stags with lowered heads and rolling eyes , gathering their sinews for the thrust that should send one of them backing out of the contest .
29 It is certainly not unknown for artists to sing on until well past their best and to put considerable strain on even their most sympathetic listeners , expecting them to weigh charm of manner and artistic experience against failing vocal powers .
30 Making a political virtue out of cutting taxes to the better off , in order to encourage them to give money to charity to meet the needs of others , is , to say the least , contrary .
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