Example sentences of "they [modal v] make [adv prt] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If you are n't find an old fashioned TV repair shop and ask them if they 'll make up the leads for you .
2 They could make up the England rugby pack . ’
3 Their vision was by now more adapted to the darkness , and silhouetted against the glow of the fires , they could make out the black bulk of the castle .
4 If they strained their eyes they could make out the clusters of houses and farmyards that were Suardal to the north , the pencil-thin bars of smoke already rising from them and the meagre herds moving across the open country like ants .
5 Over on the other side they could make out the chimney of the paper works among rising woods .
6 Ramsay , who found himself at the head of nearly a thousand men of Lothian , largely Lindsays — whose chief , Sir David , Keeper of Edinburgh Castle , was sick and so not present — Setons , Hepburns , Sinclairs , Keiths and other lesser clans , as well as his own men , offered to ride fast for the Borderland , to join Scott of Rankilburn whom Douglas had alerted to watch Dunbar ; together they would make up a force large enough to give that Earl pause .
7 When the Windsor herd arrives in late July they will make up the largest group of African elephants in the country .
8 You concealed knowledge of a deserter , you actually helped him stay deserted , and They can make out a case for saying you still are .
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