Example sentences of "they [be] go [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And now they are going across the field .
2 It should be remembered that generalisation about bereavement or any deep experience in life can be dangerous if carried to extremes , and if you are caring for an elderly parent of either sex who has lost his or her partner , you will have no idea of just how painful their sorrow is for them , so it will be wise simply to assume , whatever their reaction may be , that they are going through a very bad time indeed .
3 The couple authorised a letter confirming that they are going through a ‘ difficult time ’ .
4 So it gives me a very good guide as to what 's going on in their minds when they are going through a process .
5 Chief Supt Dave Thompson , who is in charge at Sefton , the division where the murder took place , said : ‘ The family feel alone and isolated and they are going through a sense of frustration and they need to know more information . ’
6 Now they are going through the roof en route to the moon , having forced Spurs into a replay .
7 This is why people who are the same age as one another usually end up being friends because they are going through the same experiences simultaneously .
8 Boys seem to make an effort only if they are going into a situation where they know they might meet someone they fancy , whereas lots of girls I know will put on make-up just to go to the local shop !
9 Keith does not understand why they are going into the next room .
10 Erm they are going into the villages , they 're making contacts with individual peasants erm it 's those peasants that , that they get to stand up and make the first accusations , it 's those peasants who join the Party erm and the process can build up in , in a way which was more difficult before then .
11 John Gorman says he hopes they 're going to have a very good season … he says they have nothing to fear … they are going into the unknown but that 's a good thing … there 's a hunger in the club … they 've got to go and enjoy it
12 For this reason you should take young dogs out on various journeys , and not just when they are going for a walk .
13 They are going for a walk with their Father . ’
14 They have had their problems , but they are going for a fresh start with a new ground , a new clubhouse and a new approach to playing matters .
15 Now they are going for a more ambitious target — one company-wide registration to include safety , personnel and management services .
16 They are going to a planet celled Malecandra ( which turns out to be Mars ) and , having made a previous recce there , they are under the impression that the inhabitants are fierce and eat men .
17 An American legal source said : ‘ Fans are going to have to show they are going to the US only for the soccer matches and provide evidence of a steady history of employment , and that they can support themselves while in the States . ’
18 There are various ways about that as there are with many road schemes er where there are structure plan policies for a particular scheme and there are arrows on key diagrams , there are many ways of getting from A to B er they are not er in terms of outer and inner , they are going from the same A to B. They they start and finish at the same locations , it is just a different way of getting from A to B. Which quite properly as I understand it would be a matter for debate er either at the local plan or if a planning application is made er earlier than that er then at a at a planning enquiry into the specific road proposal .
19 In this respect they are going against the trend of owner-occupation accounting for a larger and larger proportion of the housing stock — in 1986 about 63 per cent in Great Britain , up from 26 per cent in 1947 ( Social Trends 18 , 1988 , Table 7 ; Donnison 1967 , Table 10 ) .
20 How do they , what sort of aura do they get that they know that they 're going into a fit ?
21 Th they then very able to do jobs , but the lack of , for example , training and they do n't get into those jobs , and secondly , we need to make an equal opportunities culture , very clear , so that women can come forward , and do n't feel as though the they 're going into a workforce that it to totally male dominated , which is quite off-putting .
22 Oh yes we use cos when you 're dredging , you see when the eels came in the mud , eels always go in the mud in the winter time , you do n't , many eels swirl out , they go in the mud and when you 're dredging and they 're going into the hopper , cos they used to get stunned and they used to swim round right down the top of the water and they used to come up to the side , and if they come up to the side you could have your knife and just come here , cos they were stunned , pick 'em out .
23 They 're going through a bad period and they 'll be looking for a positive result as well .
24 But erm they 're going through a bit of a would n't say a bad patch but with living with their mum , with their
25 And er they 're going through the courts now .
26 If they 're going through the course they 've got to cross the course , they 've got to cross the fences .
27 Oh well the last thing anyone wants to do when they 're going on a retirement course is to talk about dying .
28 So they 're going at fifty five metres every twenty seconds , and you can imagine Peter O'Sullivan , now look at this Pip , they 're going at a , a nice steady fifty five metres every twenty seconds , what 's that in metres per second ?
29 My proles are a bit wary of them , when they see the steam they think they 're going for a mess of pottage .
30 If they 're going for a secluded house or a house where there 's plenty of trees and you ca n't see
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