Example sentences of "they [be] [verb] [pron] in " in BNC.

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1 He said When they are stabbing you in the back and behaving totally idiotically .
2 I took her to Jaén and they are keeping her in hospital until tomorrow at the very least .
3 And erm the only other outstanding sponsor from last year was Northern Rock and that has been a bit of a qu a problem because er it 's , we have n't had a closing gala event which might attract them but just recently erm Paul who as you know performed last year with his band so er well er is , had rang me and said that they are doing something in Venice and they could in fact take the boat to Hull rather than to Dover and bring it here and I 'm , so I 'm working on the assumption that we might have that .
4 Japanese firms prefer to conspire rather than compete with each other , complain American rivals , and now they are doing it in our own backyard
5 ‘ The only difference between Lee and Roy Keane and David Hirst is that they are doing it in the Premier League .
6 R's like they are putting you in a helpless position and expecting you to be able to operate from there .
7 They are leading us in the direction of a central truth about life on Earth , the truth that I alluded to in my opening paragraph about willow seeds .
8 It 's a couple of hours ’ drive from Berlin , and they 're expecting us in the morning .
9 But participant observation you stand the best chance really of being able to check the accuracy of what , th they 're telling you in terms of behaviour and wha , and what people say , and what different people say in those situations over the , so you know .
10 well no they 're having it in the er , that one against top of the market , what is it called er ?
11 They 're keeping him in hospital for another few days to carry out more tests . ’
12 I wonder if they 're keeping him in the morgue , by the way ?
13 ‘ I do n't understand why they 're keeping us in here , ’ he grumbled .
14 How is unemployment measured , they 're measuring it in the formal sector , and you can actually live by being employed in the informal sector , which is often not recorded .
15 When they measure your speed , they 're measuring your velocity really , they 're measuring it in a particular direction , along that road .
16 a lot of sixteen year olds are still having trouble with decimals like that and they 're adding them in the wrong place .
17 They 're following him in unmarked cars .
18 Erm so i if you like it 's , it 's officially done because therefore they 're advertising it in our last newsletter we send to every parent
19 Anyway , they 're putting him in disgrace .
20 They 're putting her in a cage so that people can see her .
21 I do n't know , they 're loa , looks like they 're loading them in , they 're putting them in the gar the school .
22 So they 're taki it 's I think it 's daft because they 're introducing it in nineteen ninety three and they 're taking two age groups instead of taking one .
23 Erm if they can tie a a handle on to the tree If they 're selling them in Guildford Marks .
24 She did not to bother , they 're selling them in W H Smith , did she say sometime ?
25 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
26 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
27 As ever , ESP are busy doing the obvious thing , but they 're doing it in a manner a cut above some of the other ‘ rawk ’ guitar manufacturers .
28 It 's er , it 's not pleasant for them , and they 're doing it in wet weathers , but I mean whatever erm , I find for them you know , to wear , I mean , time after time they get their feet down and slip and get them in .
29 They 're talking about going with us certainly , but they 're doing it in a positive way because they see what the future is .
30 I do n't think it 's right , my niece Sue does n't think it 's right , they 're doing it in school , it 's part of the national curriculum , as soon as they can form the letters now , they join them , I said I go to King university and I do n't join up my letters
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