Example sentences of "on which he be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Any student who wishes to submit a medical certificate shall arrange with his doctor for the certificate to be forwarded directly to the course director or senior course tutor for the course on which he is enrolled .
2 The very fact that Barthes does not present his work in terms of a theory of ideology means that the interpretive basis on which he is operating can be withheld from the reader .
3 The first target tonight will be Brian Close , the former Yorkshire and England captain and now chairman of the cricket sub-committee , on which he is supported by such luminaries as Bob Appleyard , Phil Sharpe , Bryan Stott and Bob Platt , all ex-players .
4 Section 16(2) provides : [ t ] he cases in which a pecuniary advantage … is to be regarded as obtained for a person are cases where — ( b ) he is allowed to borrow by way of overdraft , or to take out any policy of insurance or annuity contract , or obtains an improvement of the terms on which he is allowed to do so ; or
5 When a child is learning to read , he will point with his finger to the word on which he is concentrating .
6 A chair on which he is claimed to have parked his splendid bulk during rehearsals is kept at the Mansion House .
7 Erm briefly , the situation is that it 's alleged that he broke two stained glass door panels and Mr denies that he broke the second of the two , the one at the front door he says was broken at some time earlier on the evening on which he was involved .
8 The one at the front door he says was broken at some time earlier than the evening on which he was involved .
9 On each of the six counts on which he was convicted he was sentenced to three months ' imprisonment on each count concurrent , suspended for two years .
10 ‘ He spoke of surveys on which he was engaged in Quebec , one of the areas where white asbestos is mined .
11 On each occasion , it had meant that the operation on which he was engaged would soon be taken out of his hands .
12 The Spirit which rested upon him is now made over to them , along with the mission on which he was engaged ; this too is theirs .
13 The many underground railway schemes on which he was engaged at the time of his death had to be completed by others , but the Greathead shield is his lasting memorial .
14 Max appeared disappointed by the reply as he peered down again at the grisly work on which he was engaged .
15 He was delayed by an accident to the Imperial Airways ' HP.42 on which he was flying on the Kisumu-Cairo-Karachi sector .
16 William Spycer of Dallington might have cherished visions of instant fortune when he leased the site of the projected Panningridge furnace , but they soon faded , and , having assigned his interest to the wealthy Sir Henry Sidney , he carted stone , and lime for the constructors ; if his personal property was limited to the £3 on which he was taxed , he was under capitalised .
17 His arrest was part of a longstanding FBI investigation ; four of the charges on which he was indicted dated back to December 1988 when he had been discovered by police in a hotel room with a convicted drug dealer , Charles Lewis .
18 Perhaps they were wrong ; perhaps the spoke of the wheel on which he was clinging would never be swung over so hard by Lady Fortune that he would be prised loose and fall , limbs sprawling , like the figures on the rose window of the cathedral , while others — Tommaso , where was Tommaso now ? — rose up to be garlanded at chance 's whim .
19 Flames burst from the panel on which he was resting and he leapt up .
20 The small , folded sheets on which he was writing down the things he knew about himself .
21 He was tucked away in a corner , the only man on his own , a solitary candle illuminating his face as he pored over the paper on which he was writing .
22 My master listened to him half-heartedly , more engrossed in studying a piece of parchment on which he was writing cryptic notes in a cipher even I did not understand .
23 The ghost of Mr Cubbage walks the coaches of many trains searching for his beloved Coleen ; he has been seen often by many people in the district , he also walks the railway tracks near the spot on which he was killed , a sobbing , totally heartbroken figure .
24 In part this was intended to embarrass President Bush into having to choose whether or not to veto the legislation before the 1992 election , since abortion is an issue on which he was seen as vulnerable among women who would otherwise vote Republican .
25 He is described on his monument at Wollaton as ‘ architector and survayor unto the most worthy house of Wollaton , and diverse others of great account ’ ; this is the first known occasion on which he was called an architect , a term and function then still only in embryo in England .
26 Oral tradition affirms that the Camerons as well as the Stewarts of Appin were actively countenancing two , if not three , attempts on Glenure 's life on 14 May 1752 , the day on which he was shot in the back by a killer who escaped unrecognized .
27 He came back smartly to the office and the desk on which he was leaning .
28 For the unhappy family the process began with Mr Dunn the debtor receiving a summons form ( or writ , as it once was ) , and a reply form on which he was invited to write down whether he admitted owing Mr Rich the creditor the sum he claimed was still outstanding .
29 These were : the skill and experience of the employee ; the nature of the work on which he was employed ; the place where the employee was employed ; the degree of control exercised over him by the tortfeasor ; the relationship between the tortfeasor ( associated company ) and the employee ; and the relationship between the employer and the tortfeasor .
30 The wind whipped at him , making it hard to hover and harder still to drop his talons on the moving branches on which he was trying to land .
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