Example sentences of "on [pers pn] [conj] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 You do n't overtake , you just keep an eye on me and keep the same distance away .
2 These tales made quite an impression on me as did the story of Uncle Fred 's eldest son , young Fred as he was known , putting on his age and managing to join the Marines when only sixteen , then found himself serving on the same ship as his father during the great battle — something of a unique record .
3 ‘ You 'll be needing more space in there when she has her litter , or she 'll lie on them and crush the lot . ’
4 Their supporting beams ran through our tiny cabin , and we could put our feet up on them and feel the entire ship squirming and stretching like the spine of a fish .
5 For most of those institutions controlled by the body , it would be necessary to introduce legislation to confer corporate status on them and to determine the composition and method of appointment of their governing bodies .
6 He was rapidly proved right ; Spain pledged herself in December to a Family Compact with France , forcing England , on 2 January 1762 , to declare war on her and reviving the old nightmare of a joint Franco-Spanish fleet sweeping up the Channel to land a papist army on English soil .
7 ‘ Tapestries Slashed ’ , ran a dramatic headline in one paper ; in fact , the would-be vandal had scarcely taken her scissors out of her pocket before Mrs Gardner swooped on her and called the police .
8 These he carried home , partly because the little room lacked storage space , partly to appease the secretive , magpie instinct which was part of his nature : he loved to keep , hide , obfuscate , cover his tracks ; he had fantasies in the watches of the night of other scholars stealing a march on him and publishing the definitive study of Walter Machin first ( though how that would be possible , in view of his privileged position , he would have been hard put to it to say ) .
9 As Hess approached the plane , Karlheinz trained the movie camera on him and turned the little switch .
10 ‘ I now feel I defend much better and instead of always looking to beat the full-back I am happy to get half a yard on him and cross the ball as quickly as possible . ’
11 shiny varnish on it that brings the colour back out .
12 Like pasta , it is what you put on it that makes the difference .
13 Another thing that tickled me about that game was that when vinny had got his second he went over to one of the hoardings that had ‘ Alexei Sayle ’ written on it and kicked the shit out of it for some reason ( same goal I think as above )
14 Tom placed a rubber sheet on it and made the bed over it , Willie helping him when he was able .
15 In desperation Fleury leapt for the chandelier , with the intention of swinging on it and kicking the sepoy in the face .
16 The old man dropped the line and put his foot on it and lifted the harpoon as high as he could and drove it down with all his strength , and more strength he had just summoned , into the fish 's side just behind the great chest fill that rose high in the air to the altitude of the man 's chest .
17 I 'm right off the side of the bike so it takes much longer for me to get back on it and control the slide . ’
18 Put the bloody paraffin on it and burn the lot off !
19 I take back to the hotel a plan of the set with John 's pencilled movements on it and rewrite the scene that night .
20 Sailing : Most people prefer to be actively involved in sailing the boat than just sitting on it and admiring the view
21 I think if you clicked on it and unbound the outline I think you might avoid that .
22 In spite of the more sophisticated pleasures of town life the period spent at Number Five made the greater impression on us and provided the picture of Lewis that we shall always retain .
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