Example sentences of "on [noun pl] and [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Because most of the oil was dispersed to below the surface , it would enter the marine food chain ; and because the oil was easily ingested , it could have damaging effects on birds and animals in the long term .
2 Actuaries are asked to provide information on products and companies for prospective investors and their advisers .
3 The RSPB uncovers dozens of cases every year of illegal persecution of birds of prey on estates and farms throughout Scotland , but successful prosecutions are difficult to achieve because of the detailed evidence required .
4 Most subjects have an established body of knowledge to fall back on , but the subject of Earth Mysteries , though rapidly evolving , is still in its infancy and is alive with ideas and speculations on forms and energies in the landscape .
5 Their view of management rests on the assumption that a consensus exists on values and priorities within the Service .
6 Throughout the world we can see how the engineering , interventionist model of Western medicine has had a major influence on definitions and explanations about health , as well as on the organisation of health services and the utilisation of resources .
7 The Big Five Europeans in cordless phones , Alcatel NV , L M Ericsson Telefon AB , Nokia Oy , Philips Electronics NV and Siemens AG say they are working on plans and applications with the Digital European Cordless Telecommunications standard .
8 This Act also imposes other duties on employers and persons at work .
9 Tearing along the dotted line on roads and motorways without so much as a glance at the Highway Code .
10 T : That Grease album has got some break beats on it that have been used on loads and loads of stuff .
11 It is significant that the public debate on policies and content of education mounted in Zambia in 1976 has aroused much interest in other African countries .
12 Innovation in the nineties . this conference on policies and priorities for industrial innovation and technology transfer in Europe will take place in Brussels , Belgium , on 22–23 June 1992 .
13 The basic questions on outworkers and homeworkers in WIRS were similar in character to those on temporary workers .
14 The Chamber of Deputies passed the bill on Aug. 31 after modifying some of its provisions , so that in its final form the law cut state subsidies by only 50 per cent and these would be restored in full on expiry of the 180 days ; provisions for a moratorium on unpaid taxes and greater flexibility on contracts and salaries for senior government employees were voted out .
15 Cornell and French ( 1983a and 1983b ) included different income and capital gains taxes on futures and shares in their no-arbitrage condition , incorporated the tax timing option and also allowed for stochastic interest rates .
16 The world it presents is populated by pointers on scales and marks on photographic plates .
17 Initiatives such as those provided by the Consumer Education Unit can have a useful influence on attitudes and habits within the community as a whole and should be considered for inclusion in sustainability plans .
18 UNESCO-sponsored research , particularly associated with the International Commission for the Study of Communication Problems , led to the publication of Many Voices , One World ( MacBride Commission , 1980 ) , which set the agenda for the 1980s and provided a spur to the creation of World Communications Year ( 1983 ) , continuing World Conferences on Strategies and Policies for Informatics , and other initiatives .
19 This is a view shared by the Educational Publishers ' Council which claims that independent schools spend twice as much as state schools on books and equipment per pupil .
20 Figure 8.11 shows that , apart from London , the different types of authority spend at a very similar level on books and equipment in special schools , but that in both primary and secondary schools , metropolitan districts spend on average less on books and equipment per child than the shire counties .
21 Figure 8.11 shows that , apart from London , the different types of authority spend at a very similar level on books and equipment in special schools , but that in both primary and secondary schools , metropolitan districts spend on average less on books and equipment per child than the shire counties .
22 For instance , did you know that on average they have increased spending on books and equipment by ninety percent and that sixty percent of schools employ at least one more teacher and many employ more classroom support staff and that morale among teachers is widely reported to be higher , even where before those teachers opposed grant maintained status .
23 But now with a fifty billion pound deficit to contend with the Chancellor is expected to see VAT on books and newspapers as a useful source of income .
24 John Bate stood in for his father during his frequent absences — he suffered from chronic bronchitis — giving evidence to several parliamentary commissions on weights and measures before his own early death of consumption in 1840 .
25 JOLLIES The social life is a traditional ingredient of Conservative Party conferences — balls , receptions and parties abound , from a Lancashire hot-pot reception to Stinging Nettle And Fool 's Parsley — an ‘ Organic Revue ’ with sketch by Conservative wit , Hornchurch MP Robin Squire , on winners and losers in the recent Cabinet reshuffle .
26 He also gave advance information about an evening meeting on computer contracts on Friday , 16th May , and a one-day conference with an associated exhibition on computers and conveyancing on 24th October 1975 , both events to take place in London .
27 There were attempts at legislation on computers and privacy through Private Members Bills from 1961 onwards , which the Home Office , as the lead department on the subject , managed to stall successfully until 1970 , when it was one of the issues which led to the setting up of the Younger Committee .
28 The measure of expected returns used in the empirical work consists of a weighted average of the relative returns on equities and bonds in the UK and overseas .
29 Though many polar invertebrate species appear to be endemic , very little is known of their biology : the liveliest , most prominent and most numerous elements are the arthropods , and these have provided most of what is known on adaptations and ways of life in terrestrial and freshwater environments .
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