Example sentences of "on [art] [det] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 As was made clear in the debate today , there is agreement — on both sides , I think — on the latter parts of the Bill dealing with higher education , although here , too , we are providing reasonable time for consideration in Committee .
2 I have been using pastels for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
3 I have been using pasters for at least 30 years and in all that time I have never once seen a warning to this effect in either art books or on the many boxes of pastels that I have purchased .
4 In the ‘ Hunt ’ Quartet the single note , on the many appearances of the theme throughout the movement , never has a dot or a stroke .
5 A firm of solicitors experienced in this work will also be able to advise on the many areas of law which impinge on the conduct of takeover offers .
6 Its growth was to cause a storm of protest in the next century from archbishops less inclined to travel than Sigeric ; but we need not doubt that it arose because Sigeric and his like were delighted to have an excuse to go on pilgrimage , and the diary he has left of his movements dwells especially on the many churches in Rome worth a pilgrim 's attention .
7 He launches a detailed attack on the many aspects of scholastic teaching which had their basis in the logical works of Aristotle 's Organon .
8 Publicity officer Frances Hopwood told the Herald : ‘ It would be a difficult task trying to report on the many aspects of Le Court which have benefited from her influence and forward thinking during these 19 years but it is thanks to her that Le Court has evolved to be the ‘ flagship of the Leonard Cheshire Foundation ’ . ’
9 Even when they are provided for it usually amounts to their being dumped on the few professionals from black and ethnic groups .
10 On the few occasions on which she and Hugh had met since that time , neither of them had ever said a word about that holiday .
11 THE generally held belief that the marriage of Diana and Charles has broken down seems to depend on photographs of the couple on the few occasions on which they appear together in public .
12 Runners and spinnaker sheets and guys double up on the same winches by using sheet jammers and , while this might be fine for a highly tuned crew , a less well-trained outfit might find it demanding .
13 In figure 9.14 , negative perceptions about the performance of the economy in the previous twelve months and pessimism about the economy in the following twelve months are plotted on the same scales over a six year period .
14 We wish to see the key role of church and other voluntary-aided schools secured and available equally and on the same criteria to all religions .
15 Whereas Pleistocene geology was seen to be primarily concerned with stratigraphy and chronology , Butzer saw the need for a more comprehensive study of past environments and envisaged Pleistocene Geography as concerned with the natural environment and focused on the same themes of man and nature that are the concern of historical and contemporary geographies .
16 His ‘ abc ’ is based on the same foundations of activity based principles — but he offers an approach that is less complex , easier and cheaper to implement .
17 The Beast is a continuation of that tradition and capitalises on the same merits in combination with a wealth of other Brooks technology .
18 The same old commentators are wheeled from channel to channel to comment on the same snippets of film .
19 A rather different example is newspapers , where typesetting , printing , and publishing are all commonly carried out on the same premises by one company .
20 So for the rest of the month I was in charge of wages , piece rates , training , negotiations and all the rest of it , and then one day a month I was regularly calling on the same customers in Bloomsbury and I was collecting money , selling the goods and so on , which I think was a very important part of my continued training .
21 Even then opposing fans mixed on the same terraces without the ‘ taking of ends ’ .
22 Thus a learner may achieve a high accuracy profile in one context , which might suggest acquisition of certain forms , but perform badly on the same forms in a different context .
23 Some people have great difficulty in solving problems and making decisions and waste a great deal of time ruminating on the same thoughts without ever coming to a clear conclusion .
24 It added that it was actively seeking the arrest on the same charges of over 300 others .
25 The General and Municipal union concentrated on casuals , seasonals and fixed-term contract workers , on part-timers and even on the self-employed ; the Transport and General union on the same categories of temporary worker , on part-timers , and even on agency workers .
26 While many social workers told us they were relieved it was not they , but the courts , who would be arraigned in the tabloids if they ‘ got it wrong ’ , this simply passed on the same worries to the courts .
27 They depend as a rule on the same sorts of schematic stimulus-recognition systems and simple processing seen in less elaborate behaviour .
28 The reports of the amnestic effects of protein synthesis inhibitors were first ignored , often on the same sorts of a priori grounds that had led to my initial scepticism , and only after some struggle accepted by these definers of the field .
29 Most pay them on the same rates of pay , but because they lack seniority and are usually filling low-skilled , entry-level positions , seasonal workers ' actual earnings are usually lower than those of comparable regular workers .
30 Where NVQs and SVQs are based on the same statements of competence the qualifications will carry titles which clearly indicate that area of competence .
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