Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] of the " in BNC.

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1 Towards the end of June , Bremen was targeted and the Squadron attack force took-off on the 28th of the month and headed out low level over the sea .
2 On the 28th of the same month the list was altered in a new agreement , with Richard Windle joining the " team " .
3 He pointed to the 6.8 per cent increase in the number of income support claimants between 1991 and ‘ 92 and gave warning of the effect on the poor of the staged increases on valued0added tax on domestic fuel bills .
4 Gradually we built up a common world , partly based on the great of the past , like Jane Austen , partly on Ivy .
5 The er consultation and on the eighteen of August erm was circulated to many members on the fifth of the September , a thirteen page document erm , it was true to say that the er consultation paper contained some fairly radical proposals for changes in dealing with er gypsies and travellers .
6 The direct debit instruction will be paid on the 1st of the following month .
7 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
8 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
9 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
10 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
11 If I was born on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh right , no if I was born on the eleventh about nineteen hundred , then on the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh of the eleventh , announce , that 's when I was born zero , six , six , eleventh , eleventh , sixty-six , I was eleven on the eleventh of the eleventh of seventy-seven , I was , I was twenty-two on the eleventh of the eleventh , eighty-eight , I was thirty-three on the eleventh of the eleventh noticed how they 're all double all the way through
12 Born on the eleventh of the eleventh sixty-six , that 's a zero , so I was eleventh of the eleventh seventy-seven
13 The next meeting will be on the second of the 1991 Schools ' Open Days , Friday 26 April .
14 Interestingly , it was at this very juncture that an addition was made to the show for the revival — a movement which is not found either in the score or the 1692 quarto , but which is printed on the second of the single-sheet inserts in Q1693 .
15 The 30-year-old Mandale Harrier was making his first appearance over the country for a year , but he broke clear on the second of the three laps of a gruelling nine kilometre course and held off a late challenge by Newton Aycliffe 's Kevin Vose to win by an emphatic 13 seconds .
16 Frenchman Didier Auriol , who was leading for much of Saturday , was disqualified for receiving unofficial help on the second of the day 's seven special stages while lying fifth .
17 Based on the smallest of the commonly available disc sizes , the 100mm ( 4in ) , the machine is almost identical to its larger brother , the FG12SA .
18 On the smallest of the islands a shelduck couple cosily cuddled .
19 EILDON HILLS On the northernmost of the three peaks , reached from Melrose by the B6359 or from Eildon village on the A6091 , are remains of a fortified British town which was probably the oppidum of the Selgovae , to which the Romans added a circular enclosure .
20 Martyn and I spent the next 10 days camping on the largest of the islands , sharing it with 30 pairs of geese .
21 Stay-at-home Americans missed out on the best of the world 's bull market in the 1980s .
22 Shop and office workers who miss out on the best of the day only have their lunch breaks to enjoy the brief British summer .
23 On the 2nd of the following month Sir William also received a letter from William Millford who claimed that he had met " trouble " at the Pennington ( Muncaster ) Lease .
24 Could you please give some indication as to when you 're likely to respond to the letter sent to you on the twelve of the first nineteen ninety three ?
25 The words were scrawled on the frontal of the marble high altar .
26 Thailand , the only country in Asia now on the blackest of the Americans ' three blacklists , and therefore in greatest danger of sanctions , fired the official in charge of the enforcement of intellectual property rights on April 20th and launched a series of high-profile raids on counterfeiters .
27 IN ORDER to combine with the coastal counts of wildfowl and waders , which are subject to the tide times , we covered the March wildfowl count at Abberton Reservoir on the 7th of the month when , customarily , counting takes place in mid-month .
28 The guarantee is based on the lower of the initial purchase price or a building society 's valuation .
29 If a double taxation relief agreement exists between the UK and the overseas country , relief is given in the form of a tax credit on the overseas earnings calculated on the lower of the UK and overseas corporate tax rates .
30 Newco can claim industrial buildings allowances in equal annual instalments of 4% over 25 years , on the lower of the purchase price and the vendor 's original cost .
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