Example sentences of "on [noun sg] [vb -s] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 To a significant extent ( witness our results on payment increases between the first and second repetition ) they were successful .
2 The expanding copper and tin mines of west Cornwall depended on mule trains until the second quarter of the nineteenth century .
3 This was received in the next room on Creed teleprinters from the wires of the Canadian Press .
4 The Dutch market , which like Denmark 's is export driven , only more so , and is heavily reliant on bacon exports to the UK , began a rise at the end of June , but last week prices dropped 7% and the fall looks like continuing .
5 He caught a glimpse of the fair hair and saw that she was talking to someone he recognised as the drummer from the band ; the whole group was there , giving an impromptu concert on tin whistles to the tired hikers sleeping on their rucksacks undaunted by the howl and shriek of the space-invader machines on the other side , a cacophony of mechanical rage that deafened him together with the thin notes of a rebel song .
6 The excitement , suspense , and danger which seems the lot of the police on celluloid feeds into the definitions many of Easton 's section police give to their work experience , and the supposed similarity of this experience leads them to see police films and television programmes as an accurate portrayal , to be watched avidly because of this shared world .
7 It is then printed and on publication goes to the House of Lords either for information ( in which case the scrutiny reserve is lifted forthwith ) or for debate ( when the reserve remains until the debate takes place ) .
8 This is obviously having a detrimental effect on textile exports from the region .
9 No precise official figure on emigration exists before the end of the nineteenth century .
10 Ripa Di Meana said that the Commission was also considering effecting ( i ) a total ban on waste exports from the EC ; ( ii ) severe restrictions on waste movements between the EC countries ; and ( iii ) a ban on the dumping of raw sewage into the sea .
11 If the new-look UN is to move forward after the war , it must use its newly discovered teeth and confidence to slap some form of strict embargo on weapon supplies to the area to complement a long-standing Middle East peace .
12 A great log fire crackled in the hearth , the room was lit by squat wax candles fixed on metal spigots around the walls and , at the far end , under the oriel window , was the dais and high table .
13 One might focus particular attention on stress points in the day , perhaps where a mismatch of perception between individuals or even outright conflict occurred .
14 Works on paper comes to the Armory
15 A study of the literature relating to recent child care legislation , policy and practice , together with a number of interviews carried out with individuals prominent in this field ( academics , practitioners and representatives of pressure groups ) focusing on policy shifts during the 1970s , suggested that at least two broad value positions , differing from each other on child care policy in important ways , might usefully be defined .
16 The A fifty nine relief road had very little effect on traffic flows on the A sixty one through Harrogate and vice versa , the A the western relief has very little effect on traffic flows on the A sixty one through Harrogate .
17 The A fifty nine relief road had very little effect on traffic flows on the A sixty one through Harrogate and vice versa , the A the western relief has very little effect on traffic flows on the A sixty one through Harrogate .
18 But a 3-1 drubbing by Brazil on a South American tour just before Christmas has put pressure on manager Vogts in the build-up to next year 's World Cup .
19 US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady denied reports that Treasury officials had sought an accord on currency " target zones " in an effort to bring international pressure to bear on fluctuation ranges for the German mark .
20 ‘ From Eating to Sleeping ’ — Visitors are invited to take a detailed look into a selection of carriages , with an emphasis on passenger comforts in the early days of the railways , led by Curator of Collections Dieter Hopkin in the South Hall .
21 Oftel does say that it believes video on demand comes under the auspices of the Broadcasting Act , rather than BT 's Public Telecommunications Operator licence , and while the ITC agrees , it also says that the question of whether it constitutes a broadcasting service has still to be decided .
22 It all took a lot of investigation , finding paint traces on plaster plugs in the timbers , for example , although some rooms had kept quite clear evidence of both colour and pattern .
23 Now the impact on spending depends on the price elasticity of demand .
24 The article implied that the Company embarked on capital works in the hope that future profits will pay for such projects .
25 This is the time when your grasp on logic comes to the fore .
26 Some City economists warned that there was a risk inflation may rise even further because of the impact of higher mortgage rates on wage claims in the forthcoming pay bargaining season .
27 Not all the energy released on heating comes from the crystals , since some will be from radioactivity absorbed from the soil , and different types of crystal vary in their ability to absorb energy .
28 The amount of money the retailer spends on advertising depends on the amount of money the shop takes in a year .
29 An accord on food provision in 1992 had been signed on Nov. 5 between the 12 republics , banning restrictions on food exports from the republics , and delegating the conclusion of agreements on purchasing food from foreign states to the IEC .
30 As a result , the DES set up a study group under the chairmanship of Stephen Jones , at that time an assistant secretary at the DES and now Assistant Provost of the City of London Polytechnic , both to suggest a fairer way of allocating the 1981–2 pool and also to come forward with longer-term recommendations , based on unit costs within the institutions .
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