Example sentences of "on [noun sg] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 Wages did not rise in proportion , and by the Spring of 1795 there was the extensive distress and threat of mass starvation which led , in May , to the infamous meeting of the magistrates at Speenhamland in Berkshire , an event which would have such an impact on poor-law provision for the next few decades .
2 I , I , something floated in front of my eyes that she was thinking of applying on part time for the complaint examiner , but she did n't .
3 Komarek said on April 9 that Reichel had been relieved of his posts because he wanted to concentrate on election work for the Czechoslovakian People 's Party , of which he was a member .
4 There was little on course money for the horse , but betting shops in Yorkshire were hit by a string of late bets , mostly of £30 or £40 .
5 The shadow chancellor , Gordon Brown , wrote to Mr Lamont asking him to confirm whether he will compensate in full pensioners and others on income support for the rise , which he estimated at £2 a week .
6 Please could you recommend a book on horse anatomy for the artist , rather than the vet !
7 Please could you recommend a book on horse anatomy for the artist , rather than the vet !
8 However , she never practised , and neither did she publish more than an ( authoritative ) article on labour law for the Encyclopaedia Britannica .
9 He believes if Jones , Paul Moriarty and skipper Young tame the visitors ' more experienced forwards , Wales ' gifted backline can upset England on home soil for the first time since 1949 .
10 It 's one thing if you 're fully staffed but if you think that whichever of my boys is on guard duty for the day is responsible for the shopping as well as the cooking , and I have to put another boy on guard as substitute to him and another at the disposition of the local magistrate , and I 've two out on motor-bike patrol — where am I when a case like this comes up and I 've got to be out ? ’
11 His ‘ guys ’ in Lebanon , the Asmar network , were not to be risked on routine intelligence for the DEA , and Coleman had no other contacts there that he cared to expose to the Syrian-backed heroin cartel in the Bekaa Valley .
12 Give all the tax relief on mortgage interest for the next five years as a lump sum in the 1993–94 tax year , he says , to ‘ boost consumer confidence ’ .
13 Any time you have something such as the Rodney King incident on video tape for the entire nation to see , and the jurors somehow arrive at a verdict of not guilty , it is obvious that the system is not based on truth or justice at all .
14 The advice was given after Jo had been speaking to both children and their parents ( an audience that included 12 year old Romy Hutchins — a participant in the Challenge — and her father Paul , the former British Davis Cup captain and national team manager ) , in a unique question and answer session which preceded an on court clinic for the 20 or so participating juniors .
15 A children 's art competition is being launched to create a new logo to be used on publicity material for the Green Dragon Museum , Stockton .
16 ‘ I want to know what discussions took place during the Rover negotiations on other civil and military issues ; on launch aid for the Airbus ; and on the general tax affairs of British Aerospace .
17 Dunwoody 's day started badly with a fall on Gambling Royal and , setting out on Remittance Man for the Mumm Melling Chase , he must have had the fences more than usually in mind .
18 A current Commission-approved discussion paper that the Secretary of State must know about on state aid for the coal industry states that there is an urgent need to define the reference price for European coal .
19 Dr Mike Barratt of Earth Resources Research , who carried out research on air travel for the World Wide Fund for Nature ( WWF ) , says that the rapid rate of growth of air travel is a particular problem , as is the fact that the pollution it causes is injected directly into the atmosphere .
20 Up until 1950 , when the first road was built into the town , the area depended on air transport for the main services into and out of the township .
21 BISHOP of Chelmsford the Rt Rev John Waine is to speak on draft legislation for the ordination of women at a meeting of the diocesan synod later this week .
22 In the meantime the company is concentrating on application software for the Apple Computer Inc Macintosh and Microsoft Corp Windows machines which enables users to construct their own fonts .
23 The combined spend by political parties on posters of £2.7m accounts for 17 per cent of all monies spent on roadside advertising for the four weeks before the election .
24 He has been studying German football , and Cologne in particular on satellite TV for the past few weeks .
25 Pipe is also considering the King George VI Chase on Boxing Day for the nine-year-old and is unlikely to make a firm decision until later this week .
26 I just like the food and the booze and turning out on Boxing Day for the hunt .
27 Twenty years ago she was Lucy and Frieda 's age , putting on school uniform for the first day of the winter term , long serge skirt suddenly covering the scratched knees used to shorts , thick woolly stockings sliding strangely up the white smooth skin , nylon suspender belt holding in her stomach making her think of the opening under the dark bush below .
28 In response to Baltic demands for immediate troop withdrawal , the Russian side repeated that the withdrawal of former Soviet forces from the Baltic states before 1997-99 would depend on material provision for the servicemen .
29 Shanas ( 1979 ) , in her review of American data on family support for the elderly , notes that women are two or three times more likely than men to say that no one helped them during a period of illness .
30 We 've picked on Tank Farm for the simple reason
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