Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun pl] that the " in BNC.

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1 This argument is meaningful only for lines longer than , say , 40 km as the inherent discrepancy is so slight on shorter distances that the error on the ground is far less than the sizes of marker sites involved .
2 Various of the committees on such topics that the society instituted in 1663 and 1664 met at his lodgings at Arundel House , notably the agricultural or georgical committee .
3 It is on such occasions that the discretion can be exercised legitimately , that a sense of autonomy and real authority can be experienced .
4 Before moving on it should however be noted that it does not follow from the rejection of justificatory theories of corporate power based on antecedent rights that the shareholders ' legal rights in the company , including the right to exercise ultimate control and to have the business operated in their interests , are not morally defensible .
5 It is on these years that the government 's historical reputation will surely be based .
6 And it is on these grounds that the City will make up its mind about whether to give Dixons ' Stanley Kalms a chance or to pocket the £460million on offer from Woolworths ' Geoff Mulcahy .
7 They say the survey is inaccurate because it is based on incorrect figures that the Prime Minister gave to parliament this year .
8 Prior to that , it had been assumed on all sides that the passing of Budget resolutions conferred sufficient interim authority , but in 1913 , in Bowles v Bank of England [ 1913 ] 1 Ch 57 , the courts decided that this was not the case and the Provisional Collection of Taxes Act 1913 resulted .
9 To this must be added the cost of accommodation in the future , it being accepted on all sides that the plaintiff 's present home , though much loved by her , is not suitable in any long term assessment .
10 It was agreed on all sides that the present home of the family is not appropriate for the plaintiff , despite the extensive works which have necessarily been carried out to it .
11 ‘ A body corporate or an unincorporated association shall not be appointed as , or be permitted to continue as , a member 's appointed representative unless the member is satisfied on reasonable grounds that the controllers , directors and senior management of that body or association are of good character and are competent and otherwise suitable to manage the marketing of investment contracts on the member 's behalf .
12 If the creditor knew that the surety , whilst understanding the nature of the liability he or she was accepting , was in fact acting under the influence of the debtor , then it would not be safe for the creditor to rely upon a document executed in these circumstances , unless it believed on reasonable grounds that the surety had in fact received independent advice .
13 If he is under 24 , and has not been charged with this offence before and has an honest belief on reasonable grounds that the girl was above 16 , he will have a defence .
14 Rule 5 – 44 provides that a firm must not effect , arrange or recommend a contingent liability transaction with , for or to a private customer unless : ( a ) the transaction is made on-exchange ; or ( b ) the firm believes on reasonable grounds that the purpose of the transaction is to hedge against currency risks involved in a position which the customer holds .
15 To avoid customers being prejudiced in this way , a firm must not effect a contingent liability transaction unless it can show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands : ( 1 ) The circumstances under which he may be required to provide any margin ; ( 2 ) Particulars of the form in which the margin may be provided ; ( 3 ) Particulars of the steps which the firm may be entitled to take if the customer fails to provide the required margin ; ( 4 ) That failure by the customer to meet a margin call may lead to the firm closing out his position after time limits specified by the firm , and that the firm will be required to close out the position in any event after a period of five business days ; and ( 5 ) That circumstances other than failure to provide margin may lead to the customer 's position being closed out with prior reference to him .
16 It is important to note that the obligation is for the firm to be able to show that it believes on reasonable grounds that the customer understands the relevant matters .
17 must not proceed for a private customer with a packaged product of , or arranged by , any person with whom the firm has a connection unless the firm believes on reasonable grounds that the product will meet the customer 's requirements better than any other packaged product on the market .
18 On collecting these names I began to wonder whether I was being taken in but so many came up on independent lists that the villagers sent in that I am sure they are authentic .
19 General de Gaulle 's plan foundered on Dutch fears that the new body would threaten Community institutions .
20 So it was only on rare occasions that the issue of local sovereignty arose : usually when a person — a single individual — got carried away by indignation or by enthusiasm to raise points which prudent men , a little weary of what they considered to be rhetoric , tended to suppress .
21 How on earth are you going to how on earth are you going to put a a sign on certain fields that the hunt shall not pass ?
22 Others might quarrel on theological grounds that the litany of the saints amounts to a cult of the dead , or ancestor worship .
23 The court may set aside the demand if the debtor appears to have a counterclaim , set-off or cross claim equalling or exceeding the debt demanded , the debt is disputed on grounds which appear to the court to be substantial , the creditor appears to hold some security for the debt of sufficient value , or the court is satisfied on other grounds that the demand ought to be set aside .
24 Thus Thomas Merriam has used these methods to try to show that Sir Thomas More is the genuine work of Shakespeare , and it was partly on stylometric grounds that the poem ‘ Shall I die ? ’ won its place in the Oxford Shakespeare .
25 Before making their individual territory estimates , the salesforce may be briefed on past trends , and on significant factors that the company thinks are likely to affect total sales during the forthcoming period .
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