Example sentences of "on [adj] [noun pl] at the " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Sutton sold all sorts of items not only tea , sugar , butter and other essentials but also innumerable medicines , corn cures , pot menders and suchlike , all displayed on hanging cards at the back of the shop .
2 Philanthropic work , like workhouse visiting , inevitably raised the question of women 's representation on public bodies at the local level .
3 She had only been in office a fortnight when she gave a lecture on social services at the ICO .
4 Individual workstations in the network can be used on different tasks at the same time and users benefit from sharing centrally held programs , datafiles and storage ( memory ) facilities .
5 Even so , it remains an inefficient way of spending funds , because in considering large numbers of new books on different subjects at the same time selectors find it difficult to judge the quality of individual works in relation to the rest of the subject literature , and difficult to take into account — except in the most superficial way — user demand for the books ' subjects .
6 After the UN freeze on Iraqi assets at the time of the Gulf War , this packet of shares has not benefited from voting rights or dividends .
7 The agreement , which was of unlimited duration , made no direct reference to SDI ; nor did it involve conventional or chemical weapons , although both sides expressed a wish to reach an agreement on such matters at the earliest opportunity .
8 It might be appropriate to ask the Mental Health Act Commission to provide a second opinion on such patients at the end of their first three months with the power to extend the time for free treatment .
9 Ten people lived on ordinary wards at the beginning of the study , and eight lived in special units reserved for those with the most challenging behaviour .
10 However , the responsibility for the resultant problem can not be blamed solely on an overbearing parent ; there is also a marriage partner who is failing to stand firm on biblical priorities at the expense of his or her partner .
11 It carries forward the work of the former ESRC Research Unit on Ethnic Relations at the University of Aston in Birmingham : that Research Unit is now closed .
12 But you can see , you can see already that the production rate is no where near good enough to meet the programme and if it 's only on the first part of the seventh floor , bearing in mind we 've got to be working on three floors at the same time , we 're only on the first part of the seventh floor and already we 've got overlaps on day Granted , it 's a major problem .
13 The Conservation Laboratory of the British Library National Sound Archive is undertaking research on these lines at the moment , and the strongest candidate is a form of computer WORM disk ( Write Once , Read Many times ) .
14 Looking back on these campaigns at the end of her life , she defined the law as the chief agency for enacting God 's work and for abolishing the double-standard , which menaced the young and ultimately contributed to the disintegration of the state .
15 ERS-1 is expected to return the first quantitive data on these processes at the poles .
16 As there is no ‘ use by ’ date on these kits at the moment , it is probably best to avoid buying them from shops which have a very low turnover of stock .
17 I soon realized that if one reversed the direction of time in Penrose 's theorem , so that the collapse became an expansion , the conditions of his theorem would still hold , provided the universe were roughly like a Friedmann model on large scales at the present time .
18 On Dec. 12 two people were killed and 10 wounded when soldiers fired on picketing workers at the Itaipú hydroelectric dam in Ciudad del Este , approximately 300 km east of Asunción , where 2,500 workers were on a two-week strike .
19 Imperialist relationships increasingly replaced reliance on domestic markets at the turn of the twentieth century and provided a temporary breathing space for capitalism .
20 20% reduction on all meals at the roof garden restaurant .
21 Trading was under pressure on all fronts at the Travelodge-to-Posthouse hotels group last year .
22 Surprisingly it can happen in retail chains when the strategy has gone badly wrong and trouble occurs on all fronts at the same time .
23 Little red leaflets headed Herzlich Wilkommen ! are pressed into their cold hands ; the leaflets give them the deeply resistible news that they that they can get discounts on all burgers at the BurgerKing shops across West Berlin .
24 We know from your calls that some of you are suffering from poor picture quality on all channels at the moment .
25 Half the money is for Channel Tunnel work , leaving spending on existing lines at the lowest level in years .
26 Shops should provide greater information on healthy foods at the point of sale .
27 Hence the confusion evident in situations where superior military might has little utility — the economic challenge of Japan , the European Community 's recalcitrance in negotiations over the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade ( GATT ) or attempts to agree global policy on environmental issues at the June 1992 Earth Summit .
28 The Sky Blues ' lethal weapon , who gunned down Liverpool a week earlier , has his sights on more targets at the top of the table .
29 Now , the C E C have got various different positions on , on all these motions , so I 'll then call John to put the C E C position on those motions at the end of the debate .
30 Depending on tidal conditions at the time , it may also be possible to take a gamble by crossing the causeway to Atlantic City , even if it is rather more Atlantic than City these days .
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