Example sentences of "on [noun] [adj] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 That they are prepared to take on board such a past , one must hold in awe .
2 In the republic of Slovenia , whose referendum of December 1990 had affirmed its right to secede from Yugoslavia [ see pp. 37924 ; 38019 ] , the republic 's Assembly approved on March 7 a law allowing Slovene conscripts to refuse to serve in the JNA , and to opt instead for the Slovene Territorial Defence units or the Slovene police .
3 On March 7 a faction split away from Slovakia 's ruling Christian Democratic Movement ( CDM ) , deciding to contest the election separately as the Slovak Christian Democratic Movement ( SCDM ) .
4 On March 26 a RARA subgroup named after Juan José Crespo Galende , a Spaniard who had died in detention in Spain in 1981 while on hunger strike [ see p. 31369 ] , claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on the Justice Ministry .
5 On March 10-11 a rally by students demanded free elections , freedom of the media and a democratic constitution .
6 The UN High Commissioner for Refugees , Thorvald Stoltenberg , proposed on March 16 a scheme designed to ease the continuing problems arising from the influx of Vietnamese refugees , or " boat people " , into Hong Kong .
7 On March 11 a report by the House of Commons treasury and civil service select committee had criticized the Bank of England 's regulatory role in supervising BCCI .
8 On the second anniversary of his coming to office President Patricio Aylwin Azócar presented to the Congress on March 11 a package of constitutional reforms designed further to distance the government from the previous military regime .
9 On March 1 a vigil was held in Sofia by several hundred people holding open umbrellas to protest at the failure of the authorities to fulfil Lilov 's promise to Annabel Markov .
10 On March 1 a Cabinet decree opened the way for a number of recently released Mafia leaders to be rearrested .
11 On March 1 an emergency session of the Palermo Court of Appeal was followed by the passing of a Cabinet decree to close the legal loophole which had permitted the releases .
12 On March 4 a majority within the leadership of the right-wing Liberal Party of Austria ( FPÖ ) backed the party chair , Jörg Haider , over a policy disagreement which had precipitated resignations on the party 's more moderate liberal wing .
13 In a statement issued on March 3 a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade described Bush 's veto as " a very wise decision which will be of great help to the future development of Sino-US relations " .
14 On March 24 a soldier was shot and seriously wounded at an otherwise peaceful demonstration by Islamic students in Makulla , east of Aden , and two days later counter-demonstrations were organized in the town , attended by several thousand people .
15 On March 23 a rally was held by 12 parties in central Niamey to protest against the MNSD 's unilateral choice of May as the time for a national conference .
16 On March 23 a law had been passed liquidating the Prasa-Ksiazka-Ruch workers ' publishing cooperative ( RSW ) , linked to the PUWP , which had controlled 90 per cent of the circulation of the Polish press .
17 In Zugdidi on March 9 an explosion at the police headquarters killed three policemen .
18 On March 6 a compromise solution was reached between Foreign Minister Stoyan Ganev and Zhelev over the National Intelligence Service , which would be the subject of legislation to allow for parliamentary supervision of it .
19 In another step , a ministerial committee announced on March 19 a plan to dissolve Lebanon 's 10 militias , which had agreed in principle to give up their arms .
20 On March 31 a Federation Treaty was signed by 18 of the 20 autonomous republics within the Russian Federation , delimiting powers between the centre and the regions .
21 On March 31 a parcel bomb blew up in the hands of a retired air force colonel in Madrid , in what was believed to be an ETA retaliation for the arrests .
22 On March 31 a demonstration in London organized by the All-Britain Anti-Poll Tax Federation ended in large-scale violence , in fights between police and groups among the participants , and in looting of premises .
23 On March 20 an agreement in principle was reportedly reached between Georgian and North Ossetian officials to hold tripartite talks on South Ossetia in Vladikavkaz .
24 On March 16th an offer for 30m new shares in Astra International closed , heavily over-subscribed and raising 446 billion rupiah .
25 Over 96 per cent of voters approved on March 15 a constitution instituting a multiparty system .
26 The government introduced in Parliament on March 12 a policy paper and tabled draft legislation intended to repeal 187 laws and innumerable regulations enforcing white ownership of 87 per cent of South Africa 's land .
27 On March 30 a branch of the human rights organization Amnesty International was set up in East Berlin .
28 On March 30 a group of 14 Kurdish deputies resigned from the Social Democratic Popular Party ( SHP ) , which was junior partner in the governing coalition dominated by the True Path Party ( DYP ) .
29 The Battalion was provided with a training area on Greenham Common an hour 's march away .
30 On Jan. 7 a spokesman for the UN 's Inter-Agency Humanitarian Programme for Iraq and Kuwait said in Geneva that a minimum of US$145,300,000 would be needed to protect and assist Kurds over the next six months .
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