Example sentences of "on [noun] [adj] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Mr Larry Whitty , the party 's general secretary , asked unions on March 26 not to respond to Conservative attacks , it emerged last night .
2 The UN Human Rights Commission voted on March 4 not to consider a resolution condemning China for human rights abuses in Tibet .
3 New Forum , which had first emerged in September 1989 [ see p. 36895 ] , decided at a delegates ' conference in Leipzig on Jan. 6 not to form a political party but to remain a citizens ' movement which was " open to citizens of different ideological and party opinions " .
4 However , the largest nationalist organization of Ukraine , Rukh , voted on Aug. 1 not to take part in the congress , considering it to be too moderate in its opposition to the current regime .
5 The UK personal computer industry 's first direct sales trade association was launched on May 21 both to try to protect customers from a business renowned for its cowboys and to guarantee customers a certain level of service quality .
6 There had been fierce resistance when an attempt was made on May 6 forcibly to remove 120 female Sendero prisoners to another prison .
7 Militant Hindus belonging to the Vishwa Hindu Parishad ( VHP ) agreed on July 25 temporarily to suspend construction of a temple on the disputed site of the Babri mosque at Ayodhya in the state of Uttar Pradesh [ see pp. 37854 ; 37964 ; 38532 ; 38682 ; 38866 ] .
8 Reports on July 30 said that France had indicated its support for a partial easing of sanctions against Iraq after the UN sanctions committee failed on July 24 unanimously to agree to an Iraqi request to sell oil worth US$2,400 million to buy food and medicines .
9 The Crimean Supreme Soviet had voted on July 9 not to hold the referendum on independence planned for Aug. 2 .
10 Commerce Secretary Robert A. Mosbacher decided on July 15 not to adjust the final figures of the 1990 census [ see p. 38225 ] to include those — many of them blacks and Hispanics — who were missed during the 1990 count .
11 With some fish , but particularly carp , a situation was apparent whereby they refused to accept a bait on strong tackle , but could not be landed on tackle fine enough to fool them .
12 Despite this stance and the pressure from the United Kingdom Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Douglas Hurd to respond positively to de Klerk 's announcement , however , EC Foreign Ministers decided in Brussels on Feb. 4 not to ease sanctions until " legislative action was taken " in South Africa , apparently meaning that they would do so as soon as the legislation was tabled .
13 However , the Treaty 's successful conclusion appeared increasingly unlikely after Dec. 1 , when Ukraine 's wish for independence was confirmed by a nine-tenths majority in a referendum , and its Supreme Soviet had subsequently voted on Dec. 6 not to ratify any Union Treaty [ see below ] .
14 Despite a Senate vote on Dec. 2 formally to indict him , Collor had refused to resign and had persistently tried to delay impeachment proceedings , most recently by dismissing his two defence lawyers on Dec. 21 ( the day before the trial was due to begin ) to gain a week 's grace while the Supreme Court appointed a public defender .
15 Walks ; golf played on courses good enough to attract major tournaments ; tennis facilities attractive enough to major sponsors and sailing , as well as a general atmosphere of recreation , relaxation and entertainment would quickly attract those interested in spending their retirement days in such pursuits , as well as many holiday-makers .
16 Bush hailed the verdict as a " victory against the drug lords " but Noriega 's chief attorney Frank Rubino , promising lengthy appeals , stated that it had been a political case ; the defence had effectively been prevented from treating it as such , and the judge had instructed the jury on April 3 not to consider any political aspects of the case .
17 The governments of Byelarus , Kazakhstan , Kirgizstan , Moldova , Uzbekistan and Ukraine had called on the Russian government on April 2 not to deregulate oil prices before Oct. 1 , fearing for their economies if the cheap fuel they received from Russia was instead sold to them at world prices .
18 Meanwhile , Rafsanjani criticized Germany 's decision announced on June 30 not to help rebuild a war-damaged nuclear plant at the Gulf port of Bushehr .
19 Further evidence of the evolution of an anti-abortionist majority on the Supreme Court was apparent in its decision on June 3 not to consider the case of Planned Parenthood v. AID .
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