Example sentences of "on [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 A further category of ‘ opposition ’ , which requires careful attention , commonly arises from the fact that the various government departments on whom copies of the order have ( by requirement under the General Orders ) been served will frequently raise sundry points of concern to them .
2 One morning I drove out on my rounds with the headlights blazing against the grey curtain ahead , seeing nothing from my tight-shut box .
3 And it was certainly an improvement on my thoughts about the core curriculum .
4 In a moment of high fervour I had offered to talk to that Mafia of old , the Winchester Quakers , on my experiences at the Bristol Cancer Help Centre .
5 He admitted afterwards : ‘ I did n't capitalise on my chances on the front nine .
6 On my wanderings through the backwaters of Biomorph Land , I have encountered fairy shrimps , Aztec temples , Gothic church windows , aboriginal drawings of kangaroos , and , on one memorable but unrecapturable occasion , a passable caricature of the Wykeham Professor of Logic .
7 The experience of coming from the north-east of England is an important influence on my views on the issue with which we are dealing this morning .
8 It 's been a great weight on my shoulders over the last month .
9 October 27th , 1984 , was ringed around on my calendars as the FIRST Hampshire Rally .
10 I slowly shifted on my knees across the clearing , aiming to the left of the painted trail .
11 I prayed — down on my knees on the cliff path out by St Saviour 's this afternoon — I prayed that Sam would have the greater catch , so 's you could be my husband . "
12 I got down on my knees behind the animal with the feeling that I was on my own .
13 I was on my knees by the time we unpacked the sandwiches and tried to find the energy to chew , and I recall making small high-pitched squeaking noises in reply to any attempt at a chat .
14 Instead , I will simply buy more film and , encouraged as any amateur should be by this well-presented book , I will get back to grovelling on my knees in the Oxfordshire hedgerows .
15 So I got down on my knees in the car showroom and I said : ‘ I want you , Lord Jesus , to come into my life . ’
16 Last Christmas , having loads of time on my hands over the holidays , I decided to take the plunge and make one at least as nice theirs .
17 And she put my head on my hands on the desk in front of me and believe me , I went to sleep , it was must have been very , very new , compared to being at home and perhaps being laid there .
18 DARLINGTON Transport Company Ltd has defended a decision to allow Labour advertising on its buses in the run-up to the General Election .
19 Metals trader Ferromet Group has received a heavily qualified audit report from Touche Ross on its accounts for the year ended 31 December 1991 .
20 Titaghur plc ( manufacturer of jute products in India ) has received a clean auditor 's report on its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 after changing its system of accounting and reporting .
21 Prior ( property trading and the retailing and wholesaling of architectural ironmongery ) has received a seriously qualified audit report on its accounts for the year ended 31 March 1992 from joint auditors Wilson Wright & Co and Coopers & Lybrand .
22 Unisys Corp has been lifting the curtain a little on its plans for the Unix-based U6000 range , as it boosted the power of its 486-based 6000/35 model by adding a 66MHz chip last week .
23 For while they always emphasized the special qualities of literature , and in particular the idea that the meaning or effect of literature can not be explained by a process of reduction to ordinary modes of expression , the New Critics also insisted on its connections with the ‘ real ’ world , and on the contribution it can make to coping with the problems of everyday human existence .
24 ( 4 ) Many tenants object to forfeiture provisions applying where distress or execution has been levied on its goods at the premises , as even in the best run organisations this sometimes occurs and it is not always an indication that the tenant is in financial difficulty .
25 Iraq on Jan. 20 requested a five-year moratorium on its payments to the Compensation Fund .
26 It was an irony that the incident came four days before the Jockey Club clamped down even further on its rules for the use of the whip .
27 It is curious that its political champions have barely touched on its merits in the election that may well herald its demise .
28 We have to look at the application er on its merits in the particular erm circumstances and I 'll tell you something which we will certainly have to do erm and I I will say , I will say this in sort of due respect erm , because we are grateful to them that we can see .
29 Whether that occurs depends on its responses to the issue that is going to continue to dominate the political scene — the economy in general and the consequences of Exchange Rate Mechanism membership in particular .
30 In a communiqué they said that difficulties still remained , over differing perceptions of the future state structure , but they undertook to adopt a treaty on its principles by the end of November .
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