Example sentences of "on [pron] [noun sg] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I 'd a lump on my head the size of a goose egg ; I 'd been through some kind of hell in the spaces ; I 'd prayed for … it was not what I 'd prayed for at all .
2 it got on my wick the bitchiness of it all , did n't you , I could n't , I could n't do with it Joy I do n't think
3 However , I insisted that we should get him to hospital and soon after dawn we arrived at Prome , where after considerable appeal and importunity on my part the patient was admitted to hospital .
4 Note : Through an omission on my part the editors did not receive these notes for inclusion in the last Journal .
5 At home , I mooched about in a pair of basketball boots mended with a bicycle repair kit , eating ketchup on bread , and staring at a wart on my finger the size and texture of a tiny cauliflower .
6 By the way I 've got them on my car the work .
7 On my left the ground drops away through uncertain undergrowth into back gardens and a view of rooftops .
8 Most students assume that ( ii ) is a question as to the liability of C. Clearly on its wording the question is the same as in ( i ) , namely , as to the liability of A.
9 The European Court decided that on its wording the Directive was not limited to transfers that involve undertakings of a commercial nature , but applied also to transfers involving non-commercial ventures and was capable of applying to employees in that context also .
10 In an experiment , Tinbergen allowed wasps to become accustomed to a circle of pine cones around its nest entrance ; he then moved the circle while the wasp was away , and on its return the wasp sought the entrance of its nest in the circle of pine cones as before .
11 Thus it was that the idea of pictures as mere contributions to the decor was happily turned on its head the minute this visitor entered the darkened room and was greeted by a series of large colour photos of what could be described as ‘ Still-life with Penis ’ .
12 She refers , in particular , to radical feminists who turn on its head the criticism that women are more emotional than men , and claim that not only are women more emotional , but that this is their strength , and that in comparison , men are enfeebled , deadened and impoverished creatures .
13 Entertainment seems historically rather than essentially debased , and what emerges is a recognition of the historical possibility of popular entertainment as an autonomous art which might turn on its head the seriousness of official , rational discourse .
14 A volunteers ' battalion , raised in June 1915 by the Mayor of Wandsworth , Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Archibald Downay , was entitled The 13th ( Volunteer ) Battalion and had on its badge the arms of Wandsworth in place of those of Guildford .
15 On 28 April 1992 a whisky reception was held to launch on its way the Library 's travelling exhibition on the poet Hugh MacDiarmid , whose centenary is celebrated this year .
16 On its way the car smashed into another one , and Mr Anderson suffered whiplash injuries to his neck .
17 On its completion the boom had collapsed and a Labour government had published their outline proposals for the community land legislation .
18 By his order dated 5 August 1991 the judge directed that she recover on her counterclaim the sum of £24,751.59 together with interest for unlawful eviction , general damages and consequential loss .
19 On her return the mother had screamed aloud that he had killed the child .
20 Audrey Johansen , who was sixty one , had slipped while on her way the toilet in the middle of the night at the Fairmile Psychiatric Hospital at Cholsey in Oxfordshire .
21 While Fiona was still on her way the medics stuffed Harry full of antibiotics and other palliatives and put stitches where they were needed , and by the time she 'd wept briefly in my arms he was warm and responding nicely in a recovery room somewhere .
22 She scribbled on her napkin the words , ‘ For God 's sake say something ’ , and , having folded it carefully , passed it up through the guests to the Prime Minister himself .
23 " He 's had a lot of trouble , " breathed Alice , on her face the look of one who compassionately contemplates human misery , absolving it from blame .
24 She had forced on her mother the excuse of a visit to a cousin in Whitehaven .
25 Ottilia , the Elector Countess of Talabecland , declared war on her rival the Elector Count of Stirland , and open hostilities broke out between the two provinces .
26 Yet she continued to keep on her table the photograph which told so little .
27 Held , granting the declarations , that it was the moment of adjudication of bankruptcy that caused the property of a bankrupt to vest in his trustee thereby causing an involuntary alienation of his property which resulted in the severance of any joint tenancy he might then be beneficially entitled to ; that the combined effect of sections 37(1) and 38 ( a ) of the Bankruptcy Act 1914 was not to vest title in the trustee retrospectively but rather to vest in the trustee when adjudication occurred title to property which was identified by reference to the property which belonged to the bankrupt at the commencement of the bankruptcy ; and that , accordingly , since the joint tenancy had not been severed before the wife 's death , on her death the husband , as survivor , became entitled to the whole beneficial interest in the properties , which on his adjudication as bankrupt vested in his trustee in bankruptcy ( post , pp. 206A , F–H , 207C ) .
28 She quickly began to sketch , and at the same time tried to imprint on her mind the combination of colours that made the whole scene so eerily effective .
29 This they did and on her advice the dog 's diet was changed to one of chicken and rice together with a vitamin supplement .
30 once they were on their way the runners … 370 of them were under orders for their start …
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