Example sentences of "with [v-ing] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In 1944 the Ingushis and the Chechens had been among several ethnic groups charged en masse with collaborating with the Nazi German invaders and deported to Central Asia .
2 It sort of goes in tandem with recovering from the physical pain .
3 With trading in the first quarter similar to that of the second half of last year , the company is continuing to exercise tight control of the business .
4 The figures for ( u ) were calculated by treating the variation as a continuum with fronting as the sole dimension and this may have distorted the actual situation .
5 Quite often , this begins with looking at the enticing pictures in the catalogues .
6 Penny always gets landed with looking after the new kids in the class .
7 THOSE who are charged with looking after the royal stables are given the title of equerry , but this has nothing to do with equus , the Latin word for a horse .
8 The central concern was less with lobbying amongst the powerful , than with creating an irresistible tide of popular opinion that would force the politicians into appropriate action .
9 Councils charged with caring for the public interest start to panic at the thought of this oversized weed with its excruciating sap .
10 Okay so there 's lots of showing somebody , actually demonstrating how something is made then doing it together step by step and as you say follow up with going through the whole stage not just making the plane but actually demonstrating how it works .
11 CLE-1 , however , always imposes strong preferences , because of the way that reference candidates are tried one at a time in a depth-first fashion , with backtracking to the next candidate taking place when , and only when , the logical form involving the current one is deemed implausible .
12 Her other interests include classical music , the care of the elderly and the handicapped particularly with British Polio Fellowship and helping with riding for the disabled at the Diamond Riding Centre , Carshalton .
13 Although invited by the Liberal Party to be their candidate for the Clapham Division 20 years ago or more , [ he ] was unable to accept the invitation , and contented himself with speaking for the Liberal or Progressive candidate at every available opportunity in many elections .
14 ST JOHN the Baptist Parish , Timperley , finished October off in fine style with a variety concert and dance at Christ Church parish hall , with dancing to the Innisfree Band .
15 A. vole molar from magpie assemblage showing slight chipping of occlusal edge ( ×38 ) ; B. lemming molar from arctic fox assemblage with extensive chipping and some longitudinal splitting ( ×25 ) ; C. rooted vole molar from coyote assemblage with extensive edge chipping along the occlusal surface ( ×11 ) ; D. vole molar from red fox assemblage with single large chip removed from alveolar end of tooth ( ×30 ) ; E. vole molar from red fox assemblage with chipping along the occlusal edge followed by digestion of the broken surfaces ( ×56 ) ; F. enlargement of the same modification from coyote assemblage ( ×75 ) ; G. cracking of a cricetid molar from bat-eared fox assemblage ( ×26 ) ; H. enlargement of the same from Verreaux eagle owl assemblage ( ×52 ) .
16 If two neutral events of the same class are used , the second one interferes with learning about the first .
17 I also think that having to report back would assist with dealing with the many , many people who have complained about the state of our footpaths network but individual complaints and with user groups and we 're off to see representatives out of County Council , they 're not here today but they 're off to hear it at our Committee meetings and I do think that having an officially report back to the Environment Committee would assist in meeting their requirements would be good P R. Thank you .
18 Becker 's surprising defeat by Spain 's Jordi Burillo in Barcelona last week suggests the former Wimbledon and world champion has still not come to terms with playing on the European clay , which predominates to the end of the French Open in early June .
19 Research projects are concerned with housing for the elderly , the mentally handicapped and mentally ill and it is hoped to carry out research on the housing circumstances of single women , ethnic minority groups and the physically disabled .
20 According to an announcement of June 19 , 1990 , Jan Van den Nest , a court clerk , had been arrested and charged with spying for the Soviet Union .
21 ‘ At the moment I 'm just concerned with preparing for the Lithuanian game .
22 ‘ More than two million nationwide will be stuck with overpaying until the next revaluation which wo n't become effective until 1998 . ’
23 Cooling seems to be more pronounced and more extensive in the west than the east ; for example , since 1981 ( Fig. 3 a ) there has been a decrease of more than -1°C in the upper layers to the west , compared with warming in the intermediate water to the east of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge .
24 Having discussed planning , state of service and efficiency of the service , the team were then challenged with standing on the highest ‘ High Street ’ in the UK .
25 This practice ended when it was declared unlawful by judicial review in 1985 ( R v Hallstrom ex parte W ) , although under Scots law it continues with monitoring by the Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland .
26 Meanwhile , Francois Boutin 's bid to pull off a clean sweep of the French Classics rests with Accommodating in the French Oaks at Chantilly on Sunday .
27 His eyes suddenly narrowed as he looked at her , and there was a silence charged with meaning between the two of them .
28 So they worry , and look back with longing to the good old , bad old days , when there always seemed to be a kind and sturdy neighbour nearby who was willing to pop in to lend a hand to the elderly and disabled , in the closer-knit communities of their youth .
29 Statement is shot through with feeling in the long , passionately detailed account of the mutiny .
30 Such examples ( and they are legion in Scotland and throughout the rest of the world ) serve to reaffirm the points made by Kirkpatrick : that existing local institutions and personnel matter crucially , and that the outcomes of projects and their relationship with planning in the broader sense may either establish their continuation or sound a death-knell for their future existence .
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