Example sentences of "with [art] few [noun pl] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Her suitcase was still sitting on the bed , with the few clothes and belongings she had brought with her piled into it .
2 The pressure of population caused much less concern in the Welsh Border counties where there was still sufficient land available to allow poor immigrants to erect cottages on the wastes and to claim common rights to go with the few acres that they had cleared from the woods or the moors .
3 Most of the houses were well maintained with the few rooms that were still lit disclosing the appurtenances of middle-class living : paintings and prints , a piano , a music-stand , crammed bookshelves .
4 However , as you know , you must be very , very careful with the few years that remain to you . ’
5 Incremental programming will be involved , starting with a few rules and , as more expertise is added , the ES gets bigger and performs better .
6 With a few whacks and some loud whistles , they drive the donkeys out of the enclosure .
7 Seasiders have traditionally viewed the shore and estuaries as an interesting playground with a few resources that can be gathered for supper .
8 Still , he prepared her cigarettes for her at least , filling a saucer with a few butts and plenty of ash .
9 So , even if you have to cope with a few tears and sulks , do n't let them get you down .
10 And now , to cap it all , poor Byford had to be the first army victim of the latest IRA tactic — Flying Columns-compact bands armed only with a few rifles and automatic pistols , moving soundlessly at night along country lanes on foot or on bicycles , and waiting behind roadside hedges — waiting for hours , days if necessary — for a patrol to come along .
11 A few years ago — before 1986 — I was at a party with a few friends and we met some people who used to be in athletics .
12 Now it is only a small island with a few houses and the great cathedral with its accompanying church , S. Fosca .
13 fix it firmly at the vase with a few stitches or a spot of glue and pull it round the ‘ neck ’ by winding a thread round it ( you 'll have a few small folds here ) .
14 I can if you want , it 's just that I came up with a few things that did n't make sense , they were fairly contradictory things .
15 In Latin America , Africa , and Asia , peasants might make a similar journey to market with a few chickens or other stock and produce if the fare were low enough to leave some profit .
16 It was happening with a few students because I was still teaching for two or three months after ‘ Surfing ’ was released .
17 Candida set about improving Sara 's still boyish figure with a few handkerchiefs and pins .
18 Some of the nomes scouted around the sheds and came back with a few vegetables that had been missed , but it was a pitifully small amount .
19 I HAVE had sex with a few girls but I do n't think that they found this experience very satisfying .
20 Though separated from his Guard , Napoleon apparently remained in company with Soult , Bertrand and Drouot who , together with a few officers and an escort , were seen at Quatre Bras at 1 a.m. on 19 June .
21 To return to the offending nettle ( Urtica dioica ) or , it too had its uses : Martin Martin noted that in Skye ‘ the tops of nettles , chopped small , and mixed with a few whites or raw eggs , applied to the forehead and temples by way of a frontel , is used to procure sleep ’ .
22 It is possible to start off with the simplest possible system with a few reports and then add to it as new requirements are uncovered .
23 As soon as the removal van is spotted by a neighbourhood group member , the new family is welcomed into the area with a few pastries and an offer of practical help .
24 I was really touched when all the McCarthys drove up with a few bits and pieces .
25 Booksellers also tend to prefer not to be associated exclusively with a few authorities or institutions , so that they themselves are less vulnerable to any changes in those libraries ' policies .
26 Later , when I returned to the old man , I found him alone with a few boys and the American film .
27 It 's been toyed with a few times but as far I 'm aware , this is probably the first serious attempt — certainly at the sort of scale we 're talking of — to use a perched beach to provide coastal protection .
28 The marshal 's favoured plan — Susan gathered — was that she should B into Daine 's Dream , as herself but with a few improvements and then rip the sub-universe apart until she found the fugitive and could tase him awake .
29 Anyway , he turned up at my house sometime later and , sure enough , I had n't finished it — so we sat down and did it together , along with a few others while we were in the mood . ’
30 As it was , I was lucky to get away with a few bruises if the person who slugged me was the one who knocked off Mahoney .
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