Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Knit in Fair Isle ( 120 rows ) with the dark colour in feeder 1 and white in feeder 2 .
2 With the dark glasses in here , like …
3 Thus , as in A , matters such as Literary Theory or non-mainstream areas of literature ( such as African literature ) are considered ‘ specialisms ’ which need not interfere with the traditional way in which English has been , and is , taught .
4 Hartnell blamed its financial difficulties on the prolonged recession combined with the worldwide depression in the haute couture industry and luxury brand goods market .
5 Dr Newcombe put him in touch with the ACE centre in Oxford , where he 's painstakingly learning how to read and write again .
6 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
7 Separately , US PC Week highlights Intel 's unhappiness with the cavalier way in which IBM has been offering to all and sundry the iAPX-86 chip variants it has designed under its second source agreement with IBM , and suggests that the agreement is being renegotiated , and that IBM may get the right to make enhanced versions of the Pentium only if it agrees to strict limits on how many it can make for itself or sale .
8 Among Bangladeshis , often enough it is a husband and wife and their sons of various ages , the daughters being left with the joint family in Bangladesh which from there casts its light and shadow on the lives of Bengali women in Britain .
9 With the present developments in European Works Councils across national borders , we should be learning other languages .
10 How does ‘ Here I Am ’ fit in with the present changes in education ?
11 We have recently had the good fortune to spend an afternoon with the present writer in residence , Joy Hendry , as our visiting speaker , and have savoured but a taste of the feast of enviable experience that she in particular , and others of similar calibre , must have afforded to those lucky enough to live in the Stirling area .
12 That wedding feast sounds like a party not to be missed in Wachet auf , while Mary sings with the deepest joy in Meine Seele erhebt den Herren .
13 It was those with the deepest roots in industry and the urban environment who developed the strongest sense of the workers as a class apart with its own distinctive interests and goals .
14 It is possible to point to landmarks — the moment of ‘ quickening ’ when the mother first feels foetal movements within her ; the moment when the foetus first has potential for independent life — deemed by law to be 24 weeks from gestation ; the moment when the baby has been fully expelled or removed from the mother 's body ; the moment when the baby takes its first breath , with the anatomical changes in circulation that accompany this , and subsequent changes as the baby develops after birth which any parent will recognise .
15 Other evidence for Alaric II 's reign suggests that he was concerned to establish good relations with the catholic Gallo-Romans in the years immediately before " Vouillé " .
16 ( It is interesting , however , that the tsar seems at first to have intended to give the college some jurisdiction over aspects of Russia 's internal administration ; and for a considerable time it did in fact handle quasi-internal issues such as relations with the Kalmuck tribes and with the Cossack hetman in the Ukraine .
17 But it is necessary for the individual mind to cooperate with the external Mind in Nature ; the two minds are related and together they create the world — in Tintern Abbey the beholder loves
18 Look at him with the bloody roll in the window !
19 Lord Campbell said : ‘ I was n't in love with the bloody woman in the first place .
20 All it covers is the basic treatment in line with the minimum requirement in the country where you are staying — and that can be very different from what you would expect from the NHS .
21 With the awful feeling in her bones that she really had blown it , Fabia got out of the car and stood with him on the pavement .
22 The North American flavour was emphasized by the fact that the simple station buildings contained ‘ the traditional bay window on the low platform , housing the station-agent — operator 's office with the usual table in the bay complete with telegraph instruments , sounders , telephones , and so on ’ .
23 Colman 's regiment was the first of the territorials to serve with the regular army in France after the outbreak of World War I , and he was severely wounded by shrapnel in the leg , acquiring the limp which he was to spend much of the remainder of his life and career attempting , often in considerable pain , to conceal from audiences and cameras alike .
24 He thus acquired a substantial magnate inheritance with the chief centre in Buckinghamshire , where he was lord of Aylesbury , Whaddon , and Steeple Claydon .
25 The talk with the chief accountant in his plush office was n't at first revealing .
26 For this reason , says Mr Lawrence , it is vital for the finance director to have an extremely good relationship with the chief executive in presenting the external face of the corporation .
27 In explaining the shape of the bargaining structure in Japan , as with the industry-wide structures in Europe and the decentralised arrangements in the United States , the wishes and expressed policies of the bargaining parties themselves would appear to have been a predominant factor .
28 They have made it their business to gain real knowledge in the political sphere , because they belong to a great consumers ' organisation with the definite purpose in view of production for use rather than for profit , and of the development of a higher and nobler system of society .
29 Indeed , just as with a demonstrative , so with the definite description in ( 18 ) , the addressee is invited to look up and identify the referent .
30 However , the significant reduction in sentence is probably connected with the normative elements in the provocation doctrine , the elements of ‘ partial justification ’ .
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