Example sentences of "with [art] [adj] [noun] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Darren Riches , 19 , of North Shields , a driver with the 42nd Squadron the Royal Corps of Transport , was based in Wiltshire .
2 Charlton 's seven-year love affair with the Irish shows no signs of heading for the divorce courts .
3 I strolled along the narrow path with the anticipatory exhilaration a fine morning bestows , that quids-in glow of youth , confident that there is more and better to come .
4 Will the Minister discuss with the regional chairman the formula base that is used for the distribution of money to the districts ?
5 You g you could get down and just start and with the one hour the blower would go and knock you off .
6 A raffle will also be held during the evening , which is organised around a Japanese theme , with the first prize a return trip for two to Nagasaki .
7 With the first method the picture is all too easily separated from its caption and becomes one of the candidates for the waste-bin mentioned earlier .
8 to agree with the other Divisions the core service specification , procurement and management they will wish to retain in-house ;
9 In practice conciliation officers tend to view the achievement of a settlement as their principal function , with the actual remedy a secondary consideration .
10 If Woosnam has his way , Mouland will be back on the winning trail tomorrow with the former World No 1 convinced he can tear the La Morajela course apart at the weekend .
11 Presumably , the anode remained the same ( no change is mentioned ) , so with the thickest rod the spacing between anode and cathode would have been the smallest .
12 It means little for this child to perform with the greatest precision the most difficult pieces , with hands that can hardly stretch a sixth ; but what is really incredible is to see him improvise for an hour on end and in doing so give rein to the inspiration of his genius and to a mass of enchanting ideas …
13 A triumphant exhibition , with the cleaned Titians a revelation ; only Giorgione remains clouded
14 The Prince rose and waved him round the table to the chair next to his before serving them both with the best wine the clerk had tasted in months .
15 Lewis and Harris share with the developing world a long and troubled history of agrarian problems and unrest .
16 As a result of the problems with the tripartite system the Labour government of 1965 , issued guidelines for the local authorities , creating Comprehensive schools .
17 I would propose that we explore with the Managing Director a possibility of a deal at the higher end of this range but this may mean some form of earnout .
18 The emollient international posture of Prime Minister Peres contrasted sharply with the toughest crackdown the West Bank and Gaza Strip had experienced since the period 1969–72 .
19 So she opened her handbag and produced for the man with the scarpered wife a selection , some faded a little and creased with age .
20 Access to Viti is through the power station grounds and on to the road 's end , although with the late spring the road was just another snow field .
21 A contract will often include a combination of these provisions , requiring claims to be notified in a particular manner within a specified period , and proceedings to be commenced within a ( longer ) stipulated period , and provide that in default of compliance with the procedural requirements the claim is discharged , or waived .
22 A woman spends years saying no , not this one , stay out of my bed : I 'll wait , a better man will come along : and with the better man a better baby .
23 With the carbon-zinc battery the needle will move a small amount and hold there .
24 Despite my luck with the Harlequin ducks the Barrow 's goldeneyes declined to come close enough and I had still not got a good shot when , with reluctance , we left Mýatn .
25 In accordance with the adopted procedure the Secretary of State consulted the Lord Chief Justice and the trial judge before determining when the date of the first review should occur after each applicant had served a term of imprisonment to satisfy the requirements of retribution and deterrence .
26 But if you start with the easy places the surviving rabbits move into harder ground and you may never get them out .
27 The Metropolitan Museum of Art has just published a survey of visitors to the retrospective of the works of Georges Seurat , which the Met organized with the Grand Palais a year ago .
28 A Saga Holidays spokeswoman has told us that Saga contracted rooms with the Roman Hotel a year ago for this season .
29 Used with the 2207 cartridge the unit stands a little under 7in high .
30 With the current configuration the SIR has two free slots for modems etc .
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