Example sentences of "with [art] [noun] [v-ing] off " in BNC.

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1 When the solicited animal joins in the harassment , it may end with the enlister going off with the female and leaving the other two to fight it out .
2 Cartiers and snide Cartiers with the paint peeling off .
3 Proud creatures with the rain dripping off their straggling hair , their bare , muddy shoulders .
4 The edges are frayed , with the ends sloughing off .
5 Another way into the interior is offered by a stalker 's path from Annat at the head of Loch Torridon ( closed in the later months of the year ) : this leads to the tarns at the foot of Maol Cheandearg with a branch turning off to An Ruadh-stac .
6 Mariana hatched the drop to the river to their right and dragged a furrow through it round the side of the meadow and on up the mountain with a branch cutting off at right angles to run along the top of the quarry .
7 Peggy rather hoped that Rosalind was not all dressed up to meet a new boy-friend , but with a letter going off to Richard it looked as if she were .
8 He would n't have dreamed that a superior mind in the Thames Valley was planning to cross the gulf of space with an expedition living off supplies of pineapples and nuts .
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