Example sentences of "with [pron] [noun sg] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 I groped around with my foot for the table-leg and pressed down hard until the spasm gradually subsided .
2 My eyes were very bad , and I had to pay a young curate to help me with my work for the church .
3 I 'm off with my family for a week 's holiday in Cornwall and Jenny is hoping to take advantage of my absence to get some rest so the office will be ‘ manned ’ all next week by Heidi , though Jenny will be around at home .
4 Mum was staying in Geneva with my brother for a week .
5 Certainly she presented me with my medal for the 100 metres and as I stood on the plinth she did not bat an eyelid .
6 I do n't remember what the occasion was — maybe it was my first day at school , or maybe I was staying with my aunt for a few days … ’
7 And that night of course in The Bar we were all saying , oh god when she jumps into the truck , how fabulous was that , it just makes you want to cheer ; and Boy thought again , well that is how life is , that is how I feel , that is how I feel when I 'm leaving the bar with my husband for the night , my husband-to-be , that 's just what I think when I 'm getting into his car , Goodbye Father , Goodbye .
8 After my experience with the Apricot Sunsets I was playing safe with my digestion for a while .
9 There was the most profound admiration mingled with her affection for the elder sister who had brought her up ever since their mother 's death , twelve years ago .
10 Dorothy went on with her work for a minute and then asked : ‘ Isobel , what happens to these kids , supposing they do n't drop themselves over the railway bridge in sheer despair ? ’
11 After struggling with her composure for a moment , Paige began gathering up the odd assortment of utensils they had used .
12 ‘ Would Madame honour me with her company for a small libation ? ’ he roared on the staircase .
13 She 's been going out with her boyfriend for a year today and they get on so well !
14 The girl noticed Wightman while waiting with her boyfriend for the last train .
15 She bumped into Charlie later on , as she was heading out with her list for the coffee-shop order .
16 But on another level the linguistic acrobatics which the novel displays provide Mira with verbal strategies that enable her to cope with her fear for the future and her personal situation in the present .
17 Although , in manners bound , he held and played with her hand for the rest of the drive home , he felt that he could have done instead with a nice talk about hunting .
18 At last she wrote to Sir John Merchiston , who was a remote cousin , but whom she had known when she came as a débutante to visit here with her family for the hunting . ’
19 Loyalty to her clerical superiors , to the Church and all it stood for , battled with her contempt for the way in which the senior clergy had behaved both to herself and to Amy .
20 It was the first step in the emotional detachment that would dominate her relations with her mother for the rest of her life .
21 Despite living with her mother for the past eight years , she saw her foster parents every other weekend and went on holidays with them .
22 Nell pumped up the air , constricting the blood supply , then bled it out again , listening with her stethoscope for the returning pulse .
23 Braniel woman Mrs Alexander Dodds ( centre ) , was presented with her prize for the ‘ Best Garden in the Braniel Estate ’ by judges Mr Albert Crooks and Housing Executive district manager Mrs Lorraine Campbell .
24 His style stemmed from that of Jan van Scorel , using a strong three-dimensional rendering of the features , modified by late Holbein with its concern for a dazzling and exact record of magnificent dress and jewels .
25 This multidisciplinary research programme has been developed in response to the growing emphasis on management in British Central Government , with its concern for the more effective performance of functions and the more efficient use of resources .
26 Due to the very nature of history with its concern for the reconstruction of the past , these problems lie more so with history than with any other discipline .
27 It already has a self-serving Scottish Office , unique among government departments with its responsibility for a range of public services .
28 At the moment the entire European production of MTBE is around 500000 tonnes per year , though this will double if a company called Highland Hydrocarbon decides to go ahead with its plan for a new plant making MTBE from North Sea gas at Nigg Bay in Scotland .
29 He has said nothing about the government 's economic package , with its plan for a FFr68 billion rise in taxes .
30 With its proposal for the granting of a maximum of three days consecutive holiday , it actually worsened some workers ' conditions .
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