Example sentences of "with [noun] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 The scheme operates very simply with Motability arranging for the DSS to use part or all of the Mobility Allowance to pay the necessary instalments or rentals .
2 The buildings are generally of stone , with brick used for the decoration of the gables , window and doorway surrounds and interior piers and vaults .
3 The witnesses immediately before him painted a picture of an elaborate liar , one whose testimony could probably not be trusted under oath , and of a petty thief who bought lingerie , so it appeared , with money meant for the contras ; some committee members considered him such a ‘ wacko ’ , in the patois , that his testimony would be next to useless .
4 This was a land where the pursuit of illusion possessed the artists ; where awkward tries at perspective were made , and revellers in scenes of feasting were shown sitting up on one elbow , on daybeds with legs disposed for the first time in recession .
5 The formative period from 1850 to 1914 witnessed the birth of a clearly identifiable movement , with labour organising for the first time on a massive scale .
6 Perennials for open borders are classed as ‘ proper furniture for the flower garden ’ , with shade-lovers advocated for the wilderness .
7 Many leading manufacturers now have women 's models in their ranges with designs catering for the shorter back length , wider hips and more pronounced bottom .
8 On May 25 India reacted by expelling from Delhi two Pakistani diplomats of similar rank , and on May 26 called off talks with Pakistan scheduled for the following week .
9 The course Its Your Turn To Speak uses laboratory drill techniques , with gaps left for the student to supply parts of the dialogue .
10 Wall treatments vary from red or green with wood wainscotting for the Renaissance and Baroque pictures , to pale shades with chair rails for the Rococo , to lighter colours for the Impressionists , and stark white for modern and contemporary .
11 Army movements began at 9 a.m. , with columns heading for the Austrian , Italian and Hungarian borders of Slovenia .
12 His new house , built of hammer dressed limestone , with Westmorland slates for the roof , abutted on to the remains of the original house which he made into a service wing , and on the south side he made the grand entrance .
13 Time now for a recap of tonight 's main headlines with TBA interpreting for the deaf .
14 We compared women with rheumatoid arthritis with population controls for the presence of vertebral fractures .
15 But Hooper has earned a reprieve with Liverpool looking for the solidity and assurance he showed in last year 's UEFA Cup battle with Italian club Genoa .
16 For example , take Tokai 's notorious early '80s Fender copies : at long last , affordable , pro-quality guitars with classic looks for the impoverished working musician .
17 The supplier might act simply as sub- contractor , with OUP paying for the operation .
18 Its initial opinions will be debated at the Scottish Liberal Democrat conference in Dunoon next weekend along with motions calling for the party to seek cross-party unity and anti-Tory election pacts .
19 Afterwards , about five , when the club started to fill up with people arriving for the daily hockey and cricket matches , played always , by personal decree of the Consul-General , in the cool of the evening , he returned to his office .
20 Top cash are on offer to professional and amateur players with £150 added for the highest break in the competition by bookmaker Joe Suckling .
21 Stourport along with Bromley qualified for the Crystal Palace finals .
22 The Pixel Semiconductor Inc unit of Cirrus Logic Inc has introduced the CL-PX0072 Video Window Generator I , a Microsoft Corp Video for Windows-compatible chip that features HiQ8 proprietary colour enhancement technology to provide high-quality picture resolutions ; samples from Cirrus Logic cost $32 in quantities of 10,000 or more with volume planned for the current quarter .
23 Many experts in the auction rooms make it their business to hang out with aristos waiting for the time Uncle Marmaduke 's Van Dyck has to bite the dust , so they are privy to the ‘ who 's just acquired a new mistress whose florist is Cartier ’ chatter .
24 On May 13 the government agreed to sign an accord with Iran providing for the despatch of a 50-strong Iranian team to help put out oil fires in Burgan province .
25 Cup-tie , with Bailey playing for the well-known London amateur side , Walthamstow Avenue , who switched the replay to Stamford Bridge because their home ground could not hold more than a fraction of the spectators who wanted to attend .
26 Among the non- ‘ independent " homelands , unrest was particularly serious in Gazankulu during February and March , with demonstrators calling for the resignation of the homeland 's Chief Minister , Hudson Ntsanwisi .
27 Mum was waiting up for us when we got indoors , but before she could speak Mary began telling her about the agreement she had with Albert to pay for the wedding and this took the wind out of her sails .
28 Term of loans from the IDA are more favourable than those demanded by the IBRD and can be up to fifty years with repayments deferred for the first ten years , with no interest charges .
29 Personal Video Systems must be bought in in quantities of four , starting at $7,000 per unit , with delivery scheduled for the autumn .
30 Even in that situation you would probably be rescued by a passing cruise ship , on board which they would stuff you endlessly with food to compensate for the boredom of the interminable view of the sea .
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