Example sentences of "you 'll [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Listen Billy , if ye hear she 's come home here , ye 'll give me a call at the station .
2 Ye 'll gie me a week ? ’
3 but I said because you bring some guy , you 'll lend me the room on a Sunday afternoons , up and down
4 Right , hold on to them cos you 'll want them a little later right ?
5 I 'm convinced you 'll make her an excellent mother . ’
6 Oh wait , I 've got a , you 'll pull yourself a fair enough .
7 Now if you 'll excuse me a moment .
8 The next day , you could say the same and then , a couple of days later , you 'll build yourself a joint .
9 If you 've any sense you 'll give me a ride to Shipton and put me on a train , then go back to your farm and forget all about me . ’
10 Hank yelled , ‘ You 'll give me a complex , Daddy , before you 're through . ’
11 Yes , if you 'll give me a moment to find them .
12 So er if you 're thinking of becoming a super model if there is anybody out there who 's thinking of becoming a super model perhaps you 'll give me a ring and er and I can break the bad news to you personally .
13 So you 'll give me a call on Thursday then ?
14 ‘ You mean that when we divorce after as short a time as possible you 'll give me a lump sum ? ’ she enquired , her voice frigid .
15 You 'll give me a heart attack .
16 You 'll give me a ring if you 're gon na be in for tea ?
17 ‘ I 'll give you a hand — if you 'll give me the story . ’
18 If I say , Well you 'll give me the only ever give me the negative version of the square root , so if I give you sixteen , you give me minus four .
19 We 'll be seeing the E F T A T colleagues on Thursday , I hope you 'll give them a very very warm welcome .
20 ' If you 'll give us a lend of your stout stick I 'll deal with McMurdo while you see to them . ’
21 I hope you 'll give us the opportunity of getting to know you better , on some happier occasion . ’
22 ‘ I 've seen my room and I can make my way to it if you 'll draw me a simple map ! ’
23 and then you 'll regret it the next day
24 You 'll do her a damage , ’ said Rose .
25 ‘ An extra ten on the fare if you 'll do me a favour . ’
26 You 'll do me a mischief afore you 've finished ! "
27 He said simply , ‘ You 'll do me a favour if you do n't mention it to anyone . ’
28 You 'll do me the honour of dancing ? ’
29 You 'll do yourself an injury , I say , but she knows best no doubt for there is n't a day but she 's off for some long trip or other on the thing .
30 You 'll given them a new target to go for a ?
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