Example sentences of "this be not [adv] an " in BNC.

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1 At best a written submission for presentation to the tribunal will be prepared , but this is not normally an adequate substitute for the interactive process of actual appearance before the tribunal .
2 This is not simply an incautious and unconsidered statement by Mr Baldwin , a slip of the tongue : it is the settled and deliberate policy of the governing class , who have entered upon a course of action which has for its object the deliberate intensification of unemployment as a method of forcing down wages .
3 This is not simply an alternative or complementary perspective , since it raises directly the issue that what counts as a philosophical problem is itself an issue for critical inquiry .
4 This is not just an academic concern but part of the work of understanding how and when capitalism will change and be overcome .
5 And this is not just an a priori supposition but finds support in the texts .
6 It 's crucial to realise , to remember , to know , that this is not just an intriguing way of looking at our lives .
7 This is not just an arbitrary theory of schooling which they have dreamed up , but derives from their perception that they have been ‘ written off ’ .
8 This is not just an historical curiosity , although for much of the fifth century Sparta and Persia had no attested dealings .
9 This is not just an academic matter — it affects practice , for example in the arts .
10 I mean this at the undergraduate level this is not just an issue which the women students are concerned about .
11 On the other hand we can decide that this is not properly an intervention at all , but the paraphrased rendering of an insight about language whose formulation belongs not to de Man but to Proust .
12 This is not really an outstanding piece of detective work , señorita . ’
13 An extensive debate about the fidelity of copying DNA sequences by Taq polymerase has been published , but this is not usually an issue except in highly specialised applications , such as the study of variant clinical isolates of HIV .
14 If the words are subdivided into similar verses the musical solution may be quite simple , but when this is not so an ideal musical form may not be easy to find .
15 This is not merely an artifact caused by the classification system but probably results from progressive immune dysfunction as indicated by a decrease of CD4 + cells and of the CD4/CD8 ratio in the peripheral blood correlating with the stage of disease and the presence of gastrointestinal infections .
16 However , this is not currently an explicit agreement between management and the clinical staff .
17 This is not necessarily an increase in your workload : drafting and redrafting allows lower-intensity and less stressful work than packing everything into a single and decisive act of composition .
18 This is not always an easy course to take .
19 This is not always an appealing counterfactual comparison , not least because merger might be a more attractive alternative for firms than both independent and co-operative R&D .
20 Even this is not always an acceptable defence , I should add .
21 We should all be able to participate in our life 's ambitions , but sadly this is not always an easy matter , ’ she said .
22 This is not purely an academic exercise .
23 Caron Wheeler : ‘ This is n't exactly an everyday hat , it 's far too delicate .
24 Churchill summed it up to Keynes after the two men had had a particularly difficult conversation about the matter : ‘ This is n't entirely an economic decision ; it 's a political decision . ’
25 This is n't really an official visit . ’
26 This was n't exactly an unexpected development .
27 This was not just an effect of small scale distribution , but perhaps particularly due to their explicit problematisation of realism and of the conventional pleasures of cinema-viewing within the film text .
28 This was not just an old man 's hatred of change ; the sonnet Steamboats , Viaducts , and Railways ( 1833 ) is surprisingly in favour of these evidences of man 's ability , and concludes :
29 This was not altogether an exaggeration as he had lost much of his stomach in his operation and was supposed to be on a rigid diet .
30 In an article entitled ‘ Two Problems in Legal History ’ ( 1908 ) 24 L.Q.R. 392 , W. C. Bolland has pointed out that this was not only an order of the Sovereign but an Act by the Parliament , since it is in the Parliament Rolls and under the authority of Parliament .
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