Example sentences of "this [noun sg] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The progress made in this field at the Science Museum would have been unaffordable without the voluntary efforts and expertise of Computer Conservation Society 's members .
2 The defence is expected to summarise its case tomorrow — the final day of this trial at the Palais de Justice in Paris
3 To check this look at the top of the axle and , as someone moves the vehicle forward , watch to see if the axle top moves forward slightly .
4 Well , Stan Bowes , thank you very much indeed for joining me this afternoon — Stan Bowes , head of marketing for Thames and Chilterns Tourist Board and helping with this look at the tourist industry .
5 They have always had this opportunity at the University of Stirling but now they also gain national certification via SCOTVEC .
6 I do not know what consideration had been given to a prosecution of the defendants in this case at the time the letter was written .
7 Again the victim of affliction protests his own innocence , but in this case at the expense of a mischievous spirit rather than of a person .
8 We know people were treasuring this hope at the time of Jesus , because in the caves of Qumran there has turned up a messianic anthology which includes the prophecy given to David in 2 Samuel 7:14 .
9 Jim 's been for a , this afternoon at the Hart and Straw Club
10 The staff from the Abingdon Sorting Office had been due to resume their duties this afternoon at the end of the county-wide dispute , but the workers there refused to go back after part of an agreement with managers was altered .
11 The staff from the Abingdon Sorting Office had been due to resume their duties this afternoon at the end of the county-wide dispute , but the workers refused to go back after part of an agreement with managers was altered .
12 DRESSMAKING classes continue this afternoon at the Rock Chapel , Farndon , from 1.30pm till 3.30pm .
13 This bit at the party , about the muse not being there .
14 You could use this technique at the start and at the end of every massage if you wish and if it feels right for you .
15 Or perhaps , as Charlotte was reluctant to admit to herself , some part of her secretly approved of this blow at the heart of Maurice 's greed and Ursula 's complacency .
16 When Pecham introduced this measure at the Council of Reading he at once aimed a major threat , unintentionally but inescapably , at the king 's government .
17 He said there was more to be done but that the Chancellor deserved a cheer for going along this route at the moment .
18 I think we 're taking first faltering steps in this direction at the moment .
19 It is better to take this decision at the outset rather than have a poorly planned attempt backfire on the parents .
20 this building at the edge of town ,
21 If we again discount this income at the time or get it looks like that .
22 are the major retailer of this category at the moment .
23 To simply sit on this cushion at the BBC day after day and flip on anything they thought was moving — well , I thought that was the most sacred and powerful position in the universe .
24 Now I 'm not able to do tutorials for you this term at the times that you 're available cos they clash with lectures that I do er for another course .
25 They 're a very supportive family and they 're helping each other through this tragedy at the moment .
26 They appreciate that the mill is private property and that there is a notice to this effect at the entrance to the site , but they still feel that the building should be either made secure or demolished .
27 It was at this salon at the age of fifteen and a half , working for a day 's wages of £1 plus tips , that she came in contact with Justin de Villeneuve , the man who suggested she should pose for some photographs and who later was to become her mentor .
28 Celsus senior may have been very advanced to arrive at this conception at the time he did .
29 Had I gone on with this research at the depth which I had in view I would undoubtedly have used a far more informal interview and , having chosen possible points of difference , I would have introduced these in the interviews and let the informants develop the themes themselves .
30 This fumble at the back allowed Richard Walker to equalise just on half time .
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