Example sentences of "this [vb -s] a [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 This constitutes a penalty to the deserting management by depriving them of any uplift in the market value , and gives comfort to the investors about the level of commitment of the managers .
2 This involves a visit to one of three major aero clubs .
3 The surface may be bowed into a curve by tensioning the two cross-spars and , while this contributes a lot to stability , the Rokkaku is still a single line fighting kite .
4 If sterling were at higher interest rates than the US$ , then clearly this represents a cost to the bank in that it has foregone a return in sterling better than that available in US$ , so that exchange risk can be hedged in the way described .
5 Ocean-mining companies would be premature in thinking that this offers a solution to their problems .
6 This allows a comparison to be made between markets in countries that are at a different stage in their development , but it is assumed that their development will follow a similar pattern .
7 There are five membership categories , the cheapest being a ‘ follower ’ at £10 per year and this includes a subscription to ‘ Lifewatch ’ magazine , an entrance ticket to London Zoo , additional money-off entrance vouchers , a car sticker and a lapel badge .
8 This requires a tick to be placed in the box labelled Restore to Table
9 This requires a tick to be placed in the box labelled Bring to Working-Set .
10 This requires a viewer to ‘ unpack ’ the image and reconstitute the real-life situation out of which it has been found .
11 Normally this requires a visit to the File Manager .
12 Yet the two are connected , for if law 's authority is held to depend on its reputation and predictability then this presents a challenge to what Simpson calls the ‘ school-rules concept ’ of law .
13 ‘ And I do n't need to tell you , ’ he continued , ‘ that this means a lot to Woodline .
14 Suddenly this means a lot to them .
15 This gives a clue to the location of Swinsto Hole , five minutes north-west and to Simpson 's Pot , over the wall in the next allotment east : their entrances are small and , masked by long grass , need a search but both admit to major cave systems .
16 This gives a clue to a major problem : the way services are described .
17 This gives a route to acetic acid , selling for about £310 a tonne , that is more economic than the one from say , ethanol , at around £470 a tonne .
18 It is surprising to hear that Mill does n't hold this view that he thinks that erm the moral health of the citizens is of concern to the government and it actually gives , although he does n't seem to recognize this , this gives a hostage to fortune to his conservative critics because of course they can say , did say that liberalism was very damaging of er morality of the public and so we need a far more restrictive type of regime than Mill allows us .
19 This gives a guide to the general changes in the candidate which are to be brought about .
20 This poses a threat to agriculture and the food chain , and consequently to human health .
21 So if all this poses a threat to a 19-year-old getting a job , something is wrong as it 's still quite obvious that employers prefer people with no ties .
22 This imparts a rhythm to the neck even when it is straight and gives a sense of alertness and tensile strength .
23 ( c ) The charge If the conveyance or transfer does not fall within the provisions of s83 , one is thrown back on the previous stamp duty position : ( i ) conveyance or transfer on sale This incurs a charge to ad valorem stamp duty at 1 per cent unless the conveyance can be certified at £60,000 or less ( see below ) ( Finance Act 1984 , s109 and Finance Act 1993 ) ; or ( ii ) conveyance or transfer " of any other kind " In such a case fixed stamp duty of 50p is payable unless the instrument can be certified as being one within The Stamp Duty ( Exempt Instruments ) Regulations 1987 ( SI No 516 ) .
24 This suggests a closeness to Foucault 's notion of genealogy that the more strictly academic new historicists , whose own politics remain more carefully hidden , ignore .
25 Even in the first week of June , when potatoes were a foot high and oilseed rape was in glower , snow fell on high ground , and this makes a difference to what you can grow successfully .
26 And this makes a difference to the role of data .
27 At the present time jobs are not easy to come by , and if you 're on permanent , or rather short-term contracts renewed all the time this makes a difference to where you can get to compared with a man with the equivalent training .
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