Example sentences of "this [is] [adv] [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This is presumably because the intact epithelium acts as a barrier , preventing FGF-4 from reaching the underlying mesenchyme .
2 This is presumably because the task requires the same cognitive processors as shadowing — both tasks are speech-based .
3 This is presumably because the situation was not foreseen : the Code takes a very strict line on questioning after charge , a course of action only permitted in very narrowly defined circumstance under caution ( para .
4 This is partly because the G7 had other matters on its agenda , such as how to share out the burden of paying for the Gulf war and the issue of debt relief for Egypt and Poland .
5 This is partly because the comparison of stylistic elements in different media such as vase painting and coinage is not as straightforward as it seems .
6 This is partly because the depiction of the same building on coins of a particular city at different dates may , through its variation , reveal complementary details .
7 This is partly because the word itself tends to conjure up the picture of performing some type of vigorous sport .
8 In more than half the cases where the occupations of grandparents are mentioned , this is partly because the father followed a grandfather in his own work .
9 If in Orpheus everyone sound just a fraction less involved in the proceedings , this is partly because the music itself elicits a certain degree of emotional detachment .
10 This is partly because the memories uncovered may well trigger off others quite spontaneously , and also because the patient will need time to mull over the situation at his leisure .
11 This is partly because the textiles and coverings have been treated with a sodium borate solution ( to increase their resistance to fire ) which has had an adverse effect on their appearance , and partly because most of the paintwork needs renewing .
12 This is partly because the effect of the state 's role in the economic sphere has largely been in support of continued private capital accumulation .
13 This is partly because the council has limited means of enforcing its recommendations , short of the draconian removal of recognition from an entire course .
14 This is partly because the cadre of antiracism professionals which was created during the boom years of radicalism on the rates has lost its collective tongue : its political confidence has been drained away .
15 This is partly because the once marked regional and local differences in rates of natural increase — characterized notably by high fertility in rural areas and high mortality in towns — have diminished ( Armitage , 1987 ) .
16 This is partly because the Byzantine architectural style altered comparatively little in its long history and partly because Venice is not a typical western European or even Italian city ; its roots , owing to its extensive commerce , are as much in the east as in the west .
17 Oh right , no it 's Olympus and it 's erm why we 're doing this is partly because the European Space Agency is trying to encourage people who were n't previously satellite users to become satellite users and in the next century , or whenever , erm to actually buy commercial satellite time for from them .
18 The reason for this is probably that the fields are situated on top of upthrown fault blocks .
19 I have always found the Rottweilers in Norway to be of very stable disposition , and this is probably because the Rottweilers live as family pets , with a stable home life .
20 In general , this is probably because the pressure on boys and young men to go out to work is much greater .
21 This is probably because the fans were encased in impermeable carbonate muds and also buried at considerable depth below the exposure surfaces from where the leaching solutions originated .
22 It may be thought odd that no large bronze double-axes were found at Knossos or Phaistos , but this is probably because the sites were ransacked in antiquity and plundered of their usable and precious metal objects .
23 This is probably because the focus of much of locality based history has been reproduction and the important political initiatives in relation to reproductive issues during the Second World War were national in origin and response .
24 In some cases this is probably because the cause of acute renal failure itself was associated with a degree of permanent damage , and elderly people ( who formed the bulk of our patients ) may have less renal reserve and be less able to make a full recovery after an acute insult .
25 This is probably because the different regions in the polymer rapidly adjust themselves to the applied stress either by orientation and alignment of the tie-molecules between crystalline regions or , as may be more likely , by slip of the crystalline parts .
26 This is probably because the youngest and fittest miners are involved in the more strenuous tasks at the coal face , while the older and less fit do other underground work or gain surface employment .
27 This is probably because the solution process operates differently on covered and bare surfaces .
28 This is simply that the accounts would record , as an expense , an item which is only supported by the issue of an order .
29 This is simply because the calorie content of these foods is so amazingly high .
30 This is simply because the second , or front , bed makes knit and purl knitting possible within the same row .
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