Example sentences of "this [noun sg] [verb] [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This progress occurs regardless of whether a child shows emotional and behavioural disturbance .
2 Thus , the marked advance of women in education and in the professions in the seventies was a notable , if belated testament to social advance , even if some of this progress owed much to the belligerent assertiveness of the feminist movement as well .
3 No computer industry in the world has developed without government support of some kind , although the mechanisms of this support vary considerably in market and non- market economies .
4 This change came about with his full consent and was necessitated by his personal circumstances — a wife who was very ill , and war injuries to his two sons , who both lost limbs .
5 Tin bronze had almost completely superseded arsenical copper by the end of the second millennium BC although the scale of this change varied considerably throughout the Old World .
6 Erm all I 'm sure about is that there was this change going on in the rurar econ
7 Whether this change comes about within one year , over a thousand year span , or perhaps over the weekend — I do not know , though geologically all such time-spans are short periods .
8 When this boiler wore out during the 1940s the electric drive was added .
9 He began by taking the wrong road out of Burford , then tried this lane to get back to the A40 .
10 Some of this literature concentrates equally on the general socio-economic processes which have engendered rural immigration and on its effects on local communities : it is obvious that a complete understanding depends on this broader perspective .
11 It is instructive that this literature appears not to be well known within UK child care services .
12 But I 'd get off at the Meinhof , looking straight ahead and keep on walking and I 'd feel this presence move up beside me .
13 Hopes of this kind owed much to the influence and example of the Physiocrats in France ; but their power in the English-speaking world on both sides of the Atlantic was considerable .
14 I could , to be sure , scribble off things the whole day long , but a composition of this kind goes out into the world , and naturally I do not want to have cause to be ashamed of my name on the title-page .
15 The short answer is that we can not , and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve .
16 Indeed the effectiveness of policies of this kind depended largely on their flexibility and willingness to use a wide variety of instruments .
17 This story led on to another one .
18 This story runs parallel with that of a bank robbery which is being planned for 14th July by a group of petty criminals , some of whom are employed on the building site for the new hotel .
19 This opportunity to strike out for independence was precisely what her fiery Arien temperament craved !
20 The disruptive rhetorical structure in this case turns out to be the undecidability between inside and outside worlds within the figure of metaphor .
21 This left the other vertical , which in this case came flush with the face of the wall .
22 This case covers perhaps in classic form the problematic use of a woman 's previous sexual history in determining the outcome of a rape trial .
23 I am aware that Carl Bridgewater 's parents must suffer every time this case comes up for review , but they too , surely , must want true justice to prevail .
24 This case illustrates how by changing behaviour one can also affect attitudes .
25 Before dealing with this submission , which seems to us a powerful one indeed , it is necessary to consider shortly the added dimension to this case brought about by the appellant 's implied undertaking .
26 In practice , iteration in this case behaves rather like that for a defective matrix ( 2.7.5 ) , in that convergence is slow and successive columns tend to a quasi-arithmetic progression of the elements .
27 Until comparatively recently this hope looked greatly at odds with the realities of international law which was prepared to acknowledge the sovereignty and hence the legality of states whose boundaries or existence are the result of force , uphold treaties imposed by coercion , and in general allow that war is an international sphere .
28 This hope lived on in Judaism .
29 This hope turned out to be mistaken , but this was because of a new feature of the situation which was barely visible in 1072 : the Hildebrandine vision of a unified administrative system of government under papal direction was the real enemy of the primacy , as we can see from the history of the next fifty years .
30 The cost of this installation worked out at : doors £90 , height reducers £12 , Organisers £25 , chipboard and sundries £15
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