Example sentences of "this [verb] for a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Over the past few years we have been working on such an account , and in this paper we focus on the implications of this account for a central tenet of the mental models approach : that the mental model of the text so far provides ( part of the context for the interpretation of the current sentence or clause .
2 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
3 All this made for a disappointing start but I am happy to say that much else is on an altogether higher level .
4 In combination with his ardent desire to improve the living standard of the British working man , this made for a potent brand of imperialism ; few politicians took the Dual Mandate more seriously than Ernest Bevin .
5 Given that many of these theories require extremely detailed specifications of grammar rules and lexical entries this has for a long time formed an obstacle to the production of general systems .
6 In the gravitational case the dipole term contains a factor which equals the net force , and this vanishes for an isolated system .
7 This allows for a continuous stream of models and prototypes : the USSR does not face NATO 's proverbial problem of holding together a design team in peacetime .
8 The actual point at which this occurs for an individual reader depends on their disposition .
9 ‘ You must understand , gentlemen , this calls for a good eye , a steady hand — and of course , a total disregard for mother 's nicely-painted ceiling .
10 ‘ I think this calls for a small port , ’ he said merrily as he decanted rich red liquid into a pair of minuscule glasses .
11 ( S. ) 71 , this called for a delicate balancing exercise between the possibility that the offender might commit further crimes in this country and the harm that might be done to innocent people if he were deported .
12 This called for a great deal of judgement because there are about forty different species of rot , and the damage which they do varies and is not necessarily proportional to the visible effects .
13 This provided for a mandatory 6-month prison sentence for anyone found guilty of rioting .
14 This provided for a three-tier committee structure .
15 There is an official form of transfer known as Form 19(JP) , and this caters for a joint purchase .
16 This continued for a long time during which he shuffled his feet uncomfortably , controlling his immediate impulse to shout at her to be quiet .
17 This argues for a local exposition of gliadin related antigens .
18 DataEase 's menus are n't overlaid GUI-style and do n't drop down , but this makes for a simple approach to building and using your database .
19 This makes for a remarkable degree of working-class homogeneity , at least for the descendants of those who arrived before 1920 when what had been the world 's wealthiest and most productive industrial region outside the USA went into a very rapid decline .
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