Example sentences of "this [noun] [adv] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the several inns of this type still in use is illustrated in Fig. 484 .
2 A possible change , still to be approved by the Committee and the AGM , is that Vic Smith and I are likely to do this job jointly in future .
3 The Polaris force was assigned to Nato : the British possessed the right in exceptional circumstances to use this weapon unilaterally in accordance with their own national needs .
4 ( We will look at this point again in Chapter 8 . )
5 The ARC always keeps this advice clearly in mind .
6 ’ They have raided the Glen Moriston site twice this week already in strength , and they said they would return before the end of the week .
7 And there are other policies in the structure plan erm you know we should n't be looking at this policy just in isolation .
8 We will pursue this debate further in chapter 6 of this book , and find that this picture of natural science has been modified recently .
9 With this novel particularly in mind , Richard Poirier has stated that ,
10 The registers of Giovanni Scriba , the first of the series , show us this world already in being ; but as so often in the economic history of the age , light dawns as we say farewell .
11 I have pressed the Minister on this matter both in correspondence and in a visit to the Department when he and his officials told me that they would reconsider it .
12 Did the Spanish government introduce its indemnity provisions earlier this year specifically in order to be able to cover your paintings collection ?
13 he supposedly , he , two short planks does not describe this boy , even Miss hates him that was it , she , we were having this discussion right in education , she goes , are you cynical about education Terry , he goes , no , he goes , oh she goes why ?
14 It has behind it an ideal ; it aims primarily at getting working men and women of this country abroad in order that the scales shall fall from their eyes through real comradeship with those who do the hard work in other countries .
15 The Romans applied this principle widely in planning and furnishing cities , forts and even private houses .
16 There is no definition of a company for this purpose either in section 29 or in section 251 .
17 Room Three has powerful landscapes in a great variety of media by John Carter and Dennis Watling with landscapes overflowing into Room Four , this time predominantly in watercolour and pastel , effectively a series of one-person shows by Ronald Durrans , Maurice Heatley ( again ) , Elsie Robertson , Eric Gendle and Joan Waddington .
18 While The Shadows were responsible for this red/pink mania , some years later Jimi Hendrix inspired most of these to be refinished or over-painted — this time mostly in white .
19 A couple of blobs landed on the canvas as a result and I then had to make use of this fact deliberately in order to get some sort of overall pattern .
20 As in other parts of the Act , co-operation with natural parents is a central feature of this section particularly in relation to residential alternatives and to foster care .
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